Monday, October 13

Bullshit - Ken Dryden's unacceptable comments on Gaza


The government of Gaza is controlled by Hamas because Hamas was democratically elected by the people the same way that Mosaddeq was democratically elected by the people of Iran. The democratically elected government of the people of Iran was subverted and by Britain and other western governments (CIA's first outside meddling and overthrow of a foreign democratic government). This has led to the perpetual chaos in modern day Iran. The West believes that they have the absolute right to determine who should govern and they have not been able to get over the stunning shock of Hamas winning a majority even in the eyes of the biased myopic West.

Fact is Fact!

Let Mr. Dion know that it's imperative that he takes a line of truth and fairness, if not he's doomed like the others that have been thrown into history's waste basket for vile demagogues. In my opinion, he is an intellectual who is passionate about his country. He must however be mindful of "special interest pushers" inside his team who would, if allowed to go unchecked have us all tainted and painted by the same stroke of malevolent ink that has coloured this world into an unholy.grey shadow.

We're watching! We're an educated public and if Ken Dryden doesn't know that someone should tell him.


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