Cairo - The Arab foundation for human rights has accused the Hebrew state of surpassing racism and turning into an absolute fascist state, as it violates and defiles legal and human rights of the Palestinian citizens living inside the so-called green line (1948-occupied Palestinian lands).
The foundation on Sunday held a conference inside the 1948-occupied Palestinian lands where it enumerated a number of grave violations of human rights of the Palestinians citizens in the green line, including the incessant IOA attempts of Judaizing the Negev and the Galilee regions as well as the obvious discrimination in all aspects of life be it educational, social, cultural, economic, or religious aspects among others.
"Racism in the Hebrew state became an ideology, surpassed racial discrimination and turned into fascism", said Abd Anibtawi, director of the follow-up supreme committee in the green line, adding that Israel's definition of itself as a "Jewish state" has contributed to such a phenomenon.
The foundation presented its second annual report in three languages, Arabic, English, and Hebrew that will be sent to the Anti-racism committee in the United Nations so as to acquaint it with the grave violations the Hebrew state was committing.
It also plans to furnish copies of the report to international embassies, governments, and parliaments, especially in the EU in a bid to induce them into taking favorable steps in supporting human rights and halting all defilement practices.
In Egypt, the Swaseya (equality) human rights center flayed the IOF troops' abduction of Palestinian lawmakers and ministers and their illegal prosecution before Israeli courts.
More than 60 PA ministers, lawmakers, and elected municipal officials, mostly from Hamas, were kidnapped last week at the hands of the IOF troops in the West Bank.
The center accused the Hebrew state of misusing the law, and of holding those officials as hostages and as a political bargaining chip.
The center described the abduction of the officials as a clear coup against the PA elected government and an attempt to annihilate it in its "cradle" before the watching eyes of the democratic world.
It urged all legal and human rights institutions as well as the UN General Assembly, the UNSC, and the Quartet Committee to seriously step in and put a limit to the mockery trial of those PA officials.
For its part, the Palestinian society for human rights issued a statement Sunday and a copy of which was acquired by the PIC, where it deprecated the international silence vis-à-vis the continuous Israeli massacres against the unarmed Palestinian civilians.
More than 52 Palestinian citizens were killed with IOF bullets, missiles, and projectiles within the past few days in addition to hundreds of wounded citizens, many critical.
"Up till when the international community shall remain silent towards the IOF carnages in the Gaza Strip, and the obvious Israeli defiance of all international laws and conventions", the statement questioned.
The society also lashed back at the Arab League and Arab governments, saying, "Till when the Arab League and the Arab countries shall remain feeble and inactive towards what is happening to their brethrens in Palestine?"
It called on the UN, UNSC, Arab League, and the OIC as well as all legal and human rights institutions to sincerely and seriously react towards pressuring the IOA to stop its army's bloody atrocities.
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