Friday, February 10

Hope and Empowerment

[now we know why Trump and his supporters hate the Liberty] The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman: “The New Colossus" was actually born in Egypt

[If a Palestinian or any other non-Jew speaks of eh role of money and the Rothschild’s in establishing Israel, they would be called “anti-Semitic”. But what if those speaking are the Rothschild’s? What is not mentioned is that part of the deal the Zionists represented by Rothschild got for the Balfour and Cambon declarations of support from Great Britain and France respectively is that the Zionist movement in the US successfully lobbied to get the US to join WW I on
the side of the allies. See ]
Lord Rothschild discusses cousin’s crucial role in ‘miracle’ Balfour
Declaration: Speaking ahead of the 67-word letter’s centenary, Jacob Rothschild describes the historic declaration which paved the way for
Israel’s existence
And see this

[Here is a modern day Rothschild trying to buy US policy to serve Israel. Billionaire Shedlon Adelson meeting Billionaire Trump ahead of Netanyahu’s visit. They have loyalty to money and Israel not to the USA. Shame] Days Before Netanyahu Visit, Trump Expected to Meet
Sheldon Adelson: Adelson, a major Republican donor and the owner of Israeli pro-Netanyahu daily Israel Hayom, will reportedly lobby Trump against a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The “Jewish State” Knesset (parliament) passed a law that
retroactively legalizes land theft (in violation of International law.
Zionism (and its vassal state of Israel) is a threat to humanity and not just us Palestinians. They pushed for the wars on the Arab world (Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Syria etc) that has caused significant mayhem, over 2 million lives, and the worst is yet to come. Please note the Trump policies including the seven countries he selected for a travel ban are the same ones that the neocon Zionists targeted in the 1990s hoping to serve their masters in Tel Aviv. If Trump starts a
nuclear war, please remember Kushner, Adelson (who already called for nuking Iran), Elliot Abrams, Friedman, and others surrounding Trump (who clearly cannot even read or speak). But then again we will not be around to remember anything. A brand of intelligent roaches who
inherit the earth (they are resistant to radiation) may write that history. But I am optimistic because I do see resistance both here in Palestine and in the US and elsewhee. I wrote a book “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment.” I hope politicians/billionaires read it (it can burst their bubble). Others can read it to get encouraged to go on pushing.

In very difficult circumstances of occupation and repression, our Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability and the Museum of Natural History at Bethlehem University continue to grow. Every week on average:

-More than 15 individuals are working here daily (volunteers and paid staff)
-100-200 visitors a week visit the museum.
-We take 2-3 field trips weekly to marginalized areas
-We collect data daily that benefit over 10 research projects (we submitted 2 research papers a month in the last six months)
-We plant > 50 plants/week
-We teach students almost daily just this week supervision senior thesis work of several students from Hebron)
-We meet with key officials of governments and NGOs to coordinate and cooperate
-We issue reports and publish many of them in mainstream and
alternative media (this particular weekly email for example

These frenzied activities help us retain balance (I would even say sanity) in a difficult world.

Come visit us

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Join me on facebook

Please help us grow, any contribution big or small goes along way and is greatly appreciated!

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