Monday, February 21

Mazin Qumsiyeh Introduces new blog on popular resistance

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 After being active in sending messages via the internet for nearly 20 years I finally started a more formal web blog (in Arabic and English) that focuses on my main interest for the past two decades: Popular Resistance.  Advantages of having such a blog include ease of readers posting comments on my writings, ease of sending links to people, and better formatting. 

It is at My blog today covers the rapidly escalating situations in the Arab world (including the shocking massacre in Libya where I spent two months traveling in throughout the country.  Tears came to my eyes as I recalled the hospitality of the Libyan people. I also discuss briefly the reality in Palestine (and yes the revolution will come here too).  In the blog are also some actions happening in Palestine in the next few days, video of the ongoing ethnic cleansing, news, and another key action call to help open the Rafah crossing (you can help even from the comfort of your home). For more details, visit  and do leave a note to let us know what you think of the new blog. Also as a reminder, I am leaving for 5 weeks of talks in different countries and locations starting next week. See  for schedule.  Of course my wife and I would love to see you if you are near one of the cities we will visit.Mazin Qumsiye, PhD

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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