Mazin Qumsiyeh, 4 March, 2011
Dear friends:
People around Europe are mobilizing in the hundreds for the Trip to Palestine in July (July 8-16, see I gave talks in filled rooms in Southampton and Paris. I am now in London and then onto the USA to give talks on popular resistance and to recruit more people for this trip. For a schedule of my talks, see The hospitality and kindness of our hosts and the mobilization they are doing around the world is inspiring. In Southampton UK, British citizens of various backgrounds (including those who come from Israeli Jewish and Palestinian Christian and Muslim backgrounds) are successfully putting events that inspire, recruit, and mobilize (see ). In France, activists are successfully challenging the second strongest Zionist lobby in the world (the strongest being in the US) and winning public opinion over even as racist Zionists lie, cheat, and mobilize even the French justice system tto try desperately to prevent the truth from being told (see
ACTION for those in Palestine: Tomorrow/Friday; Planting Olive trees in Al-Walaja in the morning and then a demonstration and march in the same village after Friday Prayers (start right after noon). For details on tree planting Awad 0598997852 or 0598305810 and for demonstration Shireen 0522 054 595
How Palestine’s uprising inspired Egypt’s by Hossam el-Hamalawy
Toward Palestine’s ‘Mubarak moment’ The Palestinian Authority should dissolve itself, as it is acting in Israel’s interest, writer says
The Israelis keep bulldozing their village, but still the Bedouin will not give up their land
The tiny village of al-Arakib has been torn down by the Israeli authorities 18 times in seven months, but each time the Bedouin rebuild their homes
Come Join us in Palestine July 8-16

A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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