Saturday, January 5

Gazans fall victim to Israel's experimental wars

Attacking Gaza was simply a mean for the Israelis to test their so called Iron Dome in order to ensure that when they turn their guns on Lebanon, Hezbollah would have lost its major advantage, rocket fire power. By revisiting past atrocities committed by the Zionists, it becomes clear that they are very capable of such unspeakable motives and actions."
The mass killings by Israel in its latest onslaught on Gaza seems to have been started from no where and for no logical explanation but the truth is that the aggression was a very calculated one by the Zionist regime.

Resistance fighters have always been nightmares for Israeli leaders until 2006 when, by Hezbollah’s humiliation of the Zionist regime, the nightmare became a reality. Israelis have always found comfort in Arab leaders who seem to be addicted to emergency meetings that never results in any serious agenda for retaliation.

Over the years, Israeli leaders, including the ones who are suffering permanent nightmares as is the case with Sharon who can’t wake up from his nightmarish sleep, have always considered Arab leaders impotent and only meet to discuss options to appease Israel and the US. To the contrary, over the years, they have also learned to take fighters and resistance groups far more seriously.

The PSTD stemming from the shocking defeat in the hands of Hezbollah’s fire power in 2006 has been a constant thorn in the Israeli psychological sphere. Imagining that Hezbollah is a truly next door neighbor and has reached strength levels that seem to rival the whole of the Arab world, at least in as much as fighting back is concerned, is truly a cause for bad dreams in Israel if not a cause for insomnia.

In order to regain its former glory and comfort, Israel has worked hard since their encounter with Hezbollah in 2006 to ensure that the next time around they face the group; they will be indeed capable of defending against the groups rockets.

However, before making any attempts to face off the men of Hassan Nasrallah, they needed to test and retest their newly found strength by attacking another resistence group that is far weaker.

Attacking Gaza was simply a mean for the Israelis to test their so called Iron Dome in order to ensure that when they turn their guns on Lebanon, Hezbollah would have lost its major advantage, rocket fire power. By revisiting past atrocities committed by the Zionists, it becomes clear that they are very capable of such unspeakable motives and actions.

However, since the attack on Gaza, there is no proof that Israel has managed to shoot down any sophisticated missile, namely Iranian-made. What the Dome has managed to do was to intercept locally made rockets. Rockets made in simple workshops that are restricted by the blockade to even get enough supply of welding rods. Even if it did shoot some seriously made rockets, the system is far from being what it is called Iron let alone Dome.

The fact of the matter is that Hezbollah is Hezbollah, Hamas is Hamas and worse yet Iran is Iran and the rockets and tactics they use are far different. The threat of Hezbollah remains intact and if as the Jews say that they trust Hassan Nasrallah more than their own politicians, judging by what he has said on Al-Aqsa Day, Hezbollah is far more lethal today than it ever was.

Hezbollah and Hamas which seems to be gaining ground are able to confront Israel and inflict far more damage than any other Arab force simply because the groups’ main aim in life is to counter Israel and as such they are always advancing. Israel understands violence and the only thing that it respects is violence against it.

The Iron Dome will not succeed and Israel will always face the threat of Hezbollah and eventually Hamas will reach enough strength to deter Israel from such idiotic adventures as their Lebanese counterparts currently do. 

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