Saturday, October 16

This is A Jewish State that is the only Democratic Place in the Middle West According To Western Nations

A few days ago another car with settlers deliberately ran over 2 more Palestinian children in the town of Silwan, in occupied Jerusalem. The driver of the car and his friends of course fled. In any civilized country this is called ‘hit and run’ and drivers are jailed for committing such a crime. In Israel however, this is normal practice.

Palestinian children and adults are commonly run over by settlers and the gruesome crime is hardly ever reported in US Zionist controlled media. Not only do Israeli drivers deliberately choose to run over their victims, but they also get away with their crime without any accountability. Palestinian citizens and children are killed every single day by Israelis but their stories are deliberately ignored . After all, maintaining Israel’s image of a “poor but civilized democratic” state is a crucial Western mission and a most sacred task for the complicit imbedded mainstream media which we all know is owned by Jews.
This Israeli settler deliberately ran over the Palestinian man, then again in reverse and a third time moving forward.
While Israel never stops repeating how committed it is to “peace” , ”democracy” and to the “moral values” of the civilized world, the truth is that Israel is a detestable entity and Israelis are a despicable bunch of liars and criminals ever since they set foot in Palestine. Don’t we all remember “The land without a people for a people without a land” or “the Palestinians voluntarily fled”!?
In this past month the majority of Israeli criminal acts against Palestinians has hardly been covered by Western media.. and when covered, it was described as “retribution for the killing of 4 Israeli Israelis”.  What Jewish-controlled media failed however to mention is that those 4 “innocent” Israelis were far from being innocent.  They were armed illegal settlers driving through legally acknowledged Palestinian territory in order to reach the illegal settlements in which they live and which were built in defiance of International Law, of signed agreements and UN resolutions.  These four Israelis were not “normal average peaceful citizens”, they were illegal settlers who like all Jewish settlers Palestinian territory,  seek only to steal more Palestinian land, annex it  and kill or transfer the legitimate Palestinian owners out of it.  Those Jewish settlers were anything but “poor innocent Israelis.”  They are terrorists.

While Israel is a “state” which came into existence because of an illegal and brutal occupation, Israeli officials and media don’t stop reminding the world of what ‘wonderful’ and of course ‘poor’ persecuted Jews they are when the reality is that they are an occupation force and it is the Palestinians who are persecuted wherever they go.  Israelis also don’t hesitate to tell the world that Palestine is theirs because God gave it to them!  It is extremely astonishing that the developed world doesn’t even bother to note that the Old Testament with all due respect is a theological document and not a historic or anthropological document.  Since when were ‘holy’ books in the scientific world used as Historical sources??  The day it becomes a requirement for History students to study ‘holy’ books in order to get their History degree, the “tribes of Israel” who weren’t even Jewish.. might think of making a claim to territory which isn’t theirs.  Besides, if holy books are going to be used as historical sources, than Egypt should ask the Jews to return the gold they stole from the pharaoh and it must be worth fortunes now!
Israelis are an obnoxious lot.  They are racists, liars, thieves and arrogant hypocrites who are very detested around the world.  In a European poll a few years ago, European citizens identified Israel as the most dangerous country in the world.  Were it not for Jewish control of media, Israelis would have had to deal with the wrath of the international community a long ago.

Even Rabbi's are Armed!
Today, the extremist Israeli government passed a law requiring Arab Christians and Muslim citizens who are actually the real owners of Palestinian land “to pledge loyalty to the state of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”
"Jewish and democratic"!  My foot!
"There is no other Jewish state in the world” said prime minister Netanyahu. “The combination of these two lofty values expresses the foundation of our national life and anyone who would like to join us needs to recognize this.”
Values?!  Okay Mr. Netanyahu, let’s just remember that the Zionist entity called “Israel” is no more than occupied stolen Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese land without internationally and legally recognized borders and thus still without a constitution.  
Let’s remember Israel’s “lofty values” and the very foundations on which the apartheid “Jewish and democratic state” was built and on which it still depends for its very illegal existence. 
The innocent Israelis "civilians" who are protected by the IOF


© Copyright 2010 Source: Axis of Logic

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