Teacher and student....
terrorism in uniform against a terrorist by necessity.
Most of the rightist-populist-politicians
would like to close all the Mosques in Europe.
They accuse the Mosques of "preaching-terrorism".
On the other side ,
I wonder in which places idiocy and fascism are actually taught
so I would go and close them.......all by myself....if this helps humanity.
Why does anyone need a Mosque to convert into a Terrorist ??
It is sufficient just to watch what the Zionist do to others
and what the Pentagon does to all .... !!
As a first step to start considering Terrorism as a tool.
Do you need any Mosque to know :
that Iraq never had any Weapons of Mass Destruction
that Afghanistan did not bomb the Twin-Towers
that Israel is occupying 100% of Palestine
that Iran might, some day, have a civil-nuclear-power
that the USA is supporting all dictators on this planet
that some countries have bottles of Coca Cola
before having enough drinking water ??
I became "a Terrorist " ,
the day when I started counting our dead victims !!
Raja Chemayel
"terrorist", but not by choice
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