Tuesday, October 19

Starbucks Canadian coffee - Still Supporting zionists & Israel

Steve Johnson calls the Canadian Starbucks HQ to ask are their staff aware about the blind support for the zionist atrocity known as the illegal state of israel.
Typically, as is the case with most of these phonecalls, the staff are completely unaware about the extent of support Starbucks has for the genocide against the Palestinians. Read more about it here:
Given we live in the internet technology age, people REALLY should be much more aware these days about what their employers ARE REALLY SUPPORTING. If my $5 phone call can wake up at least one ignorant person. Then I feel I have achieved something at least.
Please feel free to share this video unchanged and unedited or re-upload yourself. Waking up others is how change is going to happen.
MORE videos for you to re-upload are here:
The truth about Sept 11 Here:
Israeli atrocities on Palestine archived:
Independent Alternative news:
I will be releasing a video about the flotilla Murders very soon.
Bless U all and thanks for your support.

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