Monday, October 18

Just say no by michael hall


Just say no to Robbery
Just say no to Racism
Say no way to a loyalty oath
Say no to fascism

As they steal land and build illegally
They call upon on those they steal from to give them the keys
Give us legitimacy they demand at the end of a M-16
With an israeli jackboot on the Palestinian throat

We will give you a cage
A reservation out in the sand
We will own the key  control security and the air you breath
And if you surrender all your rights to us we will give you a jail you can call Palestine

The right to return is not a poker chip,
The right to return is a right for all Palestinians
Abbas you can't sell out for a shekel or a dollar
The right to return is resolution 194

Why can they in 48 declare what isn't theirs theirs
While we cant do the same thing today?
It law is just law is fair for one and all
What they did we can do to

From the Negev to Lebanon
From water to water
ONE state for one and all
Absolute egalitarianism

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