Thursday, October 7

Obama’s Cave-In To Israel & More

Good Articles on Gaza & Israel:


Obama's Cave-In To Israel
By Jonathan Cook

The disclosure of the details of a letter reportedly sent by President Barack Obama last week to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, will cause Palestinians to be even more sceptical about US and Israeli roles in the current peace talks. According to the leak, Obama made a series of extraordinarily generous offers to Israel, many of them at the expense of the Palestinians, in return for a single minor concession from Netanyahu: a two-month extension of the partial feeze on settlement growth

Lieberman's "Truth"
By Yacov Ben Efrat

Lieberman said that a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians would be "achieved only decades from now." There is no reason to think that Netanyahu believes otherwise. Lieberman expresses the dominant spirit in Israel's government, and his speech exposed a fact known to all: he is himself the cement that binds Netanyahu's coalition

Yonatan And Itamar Shapira Tells What Really
Happened On The "Jewish Boat To Gaza"
By Jewish boat to Gaza

Yonatan and Itamar Shapira's testimony as they returned home to their family

Days Before Birthday, My Son Sees Gaza's Horror
By Rami Almeghari

My dear son, I don't think this will be "enough" and I believe this is just the beginning in your life as a Palestinian, living amidst and witnessing constant violence


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