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Ahmad Sa'adat has now spent more than 500 days in solitary confinement under the most inhumane conditions.
The International Campaign for the Release of Kidnapped Palestinian Legislators today issued a press statement concerning the continued detention of the Palestinian leader and legislator Ahmad Sa'adat by Israel. Mr. Sa'adat, who is the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), has now spent more than 500 days in solitary confinement under the most inhumane conditions. Israel's kidnap and detention of parliamentarians from the Occupied Palestinian Territories, said the Campaign, is intended to break their will and steadfastness. All of Israel's desperate measures have so far failed miserably before the resolute determination of the MPs.
The Campaign called on parliamentarians and their institutions around the world, especially the International Union of Parliamentarians, the European Parliament, the parliament of the Euro-Mediterranean basin, the Union of Arab Parliamentarians and those of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), to show solidarity with their Palestinian counterparts jailed by the Israeli occupation authorities.
Satanyahou and zionists go to hell!