What more horrors will these people cook for Palestinians? (Pic Credit: Reuters)
On August 25, 2010, President Mahmoud Abbas traveled to Washington to start new rounds of the so-called “peace negotiations” headed by the former negotiator of Oslo, Saeb Erekat. In engaging in these negotiations, Abbas chose to ignore the will of the majority of Palestinians, of the Popular Front, the Democratic People’s Party, Hamas, independent figures and other civil organizations and factions, and to rely solely on his own decision, the corrupt Fatah central committee, the illegal cabinet, the corrupt Arab regimes in Egypt and Jordan, on the congratulations of the Saudi Royal family which heads a kingdom of illiteracy, on the League of Arab States which has no real power and is instead a front for zionist interests, and Middle East “peace” quartet composed of representatives of the United Nations, the Russian Federation, the United States and the European Union and which is the strongest ally and cheerleader of the Israeli crimes, genocide and war crimes and is headed by war criminal and presumed pederast Tony Blair.
Abbas, instead of submitting to democratic process, had his military forces invaded a conference in Ramallah which was held by people who are against direct negotiations with Israel before they freeze the settlement construction in the occupied territories in the West Bank, and who denounce the auspices of the US government, lead by zionists who are involved in subverting the cause of Palestinians.

The PA armed forces destroyed everything at the venue, taking down placards with slogans, breaking the journalists cameras, beating the attendants, chanting like mafia thugs and raising Abbas posters. The conference, which was organized jointly by all Palestinian political parties, independent figures, human rights and civil organizations, had to be canceled. During the criminal attack against these opposition parties, Abbas and Erekat were busy in their preparations to travel to Washington. The Israeli prime minister was permitting the jewish squatters to continue constructing their new colonies in the West Bank while perpetrating acts of terror against Palestinians.
→ Continue reading: A Palestinian Rent-Boy Goes to Washington
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