Tuesday, April 1

The 60 years-old-state-of-Angels

From: raja chemayel

Imaging ,
for the sake of my argument,
that the Sate of Israeli were founded by Angels
and was exclusively inhabited by Angels , as well.
First of all  , those Angels  have caused the exile
of 3 million refugees who are already waiting
60 years , for the chance to go back home.
Secondly ,  those same Angels are holding under their occupation
another 3 million souls , while they are building settlements
on their occupied-land and filling them with imported-settlers.
While building an Apartheid-Wall and filling the land
with 580 Check-points and 23 overfilled concentration-camps.....
Thirdly those Angels have done six wars of aggression
in their sixty years of existence ,whereby they have
always and repeatedly expanded their already stolen-land .
Until today, those Angels never declared where their borders are ?
The forth point would be ,  that those Angels have
disregarded all the United Nation Resolutions
and have broken almost each and all the International Laws,
and rules  and International-norms .
My fifth argument is that those Angels have received more
international aid than all of Africa and Asia and South America,
together....while they are world's fifth exporter of Weapons,
second exporters of Diamonds
and the first producers-exporter of pornography.
The sixth point would be that those Angels ,
produce ( and sell) Atomic weapons and bombs
while having the longest military-service-system. 
I could go on............. for another 50 points ,
but I would like to stop here, and to ask you :
If ever ,60 years ago , those Angels were real- angels ,
what would they be now and today ???
Sherlock Hommos
first of April and this is no joke !!

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