Tuesday, September 7

Voices From The Occupation - Children shot collecting building material in Gaza


In the years prior to the blockade, 10,400 trucks would enter Gaza each month. In August 2010, after an easing of restrictions following the flotilla incident,  just 4,381 trucks were permitted to enter, a shortfall of 6,019 trucks, or 58 percent. Or to put it another way, following an easing of restrictions, the people of Gaza are now receiving about 42 percent of what they need. (Source: Paltrade, UN OCHA and the Coordination Committee in Gaza).


This bleak economic situation forces children to perform dangerous work in order to support their families. This work includes collecting gravel near the border with Israel which is then sold to builders for 80 cents a bucket. Many children do this work from dawn to dusk, and some children are shot by Israeli soldiers from the watch towers that ring the Gaza Strip – Voices from the Occupation


22 May 2010       -              Hasan (17 years) is shot collecting gravel in Gaza – Voices From The Occupation

7 June 2010         -              Awad (17 years) is shot collecting gravel in Gaza – Voices From The Occupation


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information.


Best regards



Gerard Horton
International Advocacy Officer - Lawyer
Defence for Children International – Palestine Section
Tel: +972  2 242 75 30 ext. 103
Fax: +972  2 242 70 18
Mobile: + 972 0599 087 290
Email: gerard@dci-pal.org
Website: www.dci-pal.org


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