Wednesday, August 4

Madonna , the Clinton´s and that promised-State

A while ago Madonna decided to convert into Judaism
a bit later she adopted a black African child
both incidents are OK with me , and are rather harmless.

Last week the daughter of the Clinton's got married
to a Jewish banker.........
also and nice !!

But what if , some day , 20 years from now ,
that African adopted child , who counts as also being Jewish,
because his mother , Madonna , is a !!

What if,
this young African man shall meet the daughter of
Chelsey Clinton and the nice Jewish banker ??
they fall in love get married and have children.....
harmless and nice far.

Those grand-children shall one day
fly to Tell Aviv and go directly to the emigration office
and claim an Israeli passport , because they are both Jews.

They shall pretend that their grand-mother is Sara the Chaldean
and not Hillary nor Madonna  !!

Still Harmless or harmful ??
No Sir !!
Harmful and absurd !!

This is the case of 80% of those who claim
the Israeli citizenship , today.

When in the course of the last 2 milleniums
numerous cases of confusions and convertions took place
similar to the above.(but far less glanorous)

And in the meantime ,
3 million Palestinians were kicked out
and another 3 million are trapped and occupied......
by impostors claiming to be the grand-children of Sarah the Chaldean

Thanks to people like Madonna and the Clinton´s
history has been, once more , distorted
and the indentities have been invented ....if not fabricated !!

Raja Chemayel

both my grand-mothers were pure-Arabs ,
and I am not claiming anyone´s lands....
but mine.

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