Friday, April 17

Dachau-Camp ,entrance for free

Children at the Chatilla-Refugee-Camp
in Beirut.
the other Dachau.
I went today the Concentration Camp of Dachau
Before we entered I took my son on the side
and told him
" Liston , What the Nazi Regime has done was awful
and unforgivable but before we enter I must tell you
that contrary to what you have heard so far , others than
Jews were also the victims of such places........"
" Yes Papa , the Communists , the Socialists,
the Homosexuals the social-democrats , the Gypsy's ,
and most of the mentally retarded
not to forget the common-criminals "
answered me , my son.
Having agreed on that fact ,
we have had a very pleasant and
informative afternoon.
My first impression of that Camp was ,
how clean and well designed it was and I told to my son that I shall make him visit Palestinian-refugee's-Camps
in Lebanon soon , this summer during our holidays in Beirut.
My son asked my why ?????
and I told him that the Camps in the Lebanon are worse.
Besides that,they are operative since 59 years
while Dachau was active only 7 years.
There was no entrance-fees charged at the Dachau Camp
which is a great exception in any Western-country
when you know that even to use a Toilet ,
you have to pay.
Probably the German Government wants us to remember
well the crimes of Fascism.......
or the Jewish World Congress wants us not to forget
the Holocaust.....
Anyhow ,
I saw a huge Shower-room with six
water-drainage-wholes in the ground just before
the next room which has had 4 ovens for the cremation.
I leave any further comment to the historians
whether they might deny the Holocaust or not .
Personally , I went there to show to my son
how awful fascism is.......
and why I fight against Zionism and its daughter, Israel .
If you are in Munich , it is worth visiting Dachau
which is 20 minutes drive , only ,
and the entrance is free......
for 2 completely different
and unconnected reasons !!
Raja Chemayel

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