Saturday, April 18

Obama and US troubles

Two liberators....

At the meeting of the America'sPresident Obama repeated :

" Do not blame the USA for all your troubles......"


The same sentence was addressed to the Arab and Muslim world
at the inaugural-speech.......
and Sherlock Hommos , my brother-in-law asked him then :

1- who supported and still supports all our rotten-leaders ??
2- who financed Israel from A to Z ........??
3- who never helped any democratic effort among the Arabs ??

Today Sherlock Hommos requested me to ask President Obama
on behalf of our brothers in South-America :

1- if there is any dictator who was not placed as ruler, by the USA ??
2- did ever , by mistake, the USA help any democratic change or any reform ??
3- who owns the plantations and the factories in South-America ??
4- who assassinated Salvatore Allende ?? Ernesto Che Guevarra ??
5- who owns the United-Fruit-Companies ?? the Panama Canal ??

The Arabs and the South-American
may speak two different languages
may have two different religions and cultures
but they have the same fate
they are screwed by the same "Dick".....

Raja Chemayel
18 April 2009

PS :
"Dick" is an english word for Zob
which is an Arabic word for Lul
which is a Dutch word......
for "American-President"

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