Wednesday, April 14

Papers Please! by Michael Hall

Papers Please!

You there!
Papers Please!
The new law of the land in Palestine
It has begun and you must comply!

Ethnic Cleansing
Land Confiscation
You must obey!

Is this Nazi Germany in 1938?
Close, very close indeed
This is Palestine in 2010
And those who were the victims then are the victimizers now and they've learned their lessons  very well

A military occupation
started in 48 and then again in 67
and what has changed  since then?
have the occupiers finally  left?

Papers Please!
Off You go
Off to Israeli prison for 7 years
Off to the Gaza Prison for a lifetime and more

What do the world powers do?
Where is the justice and talk of equality and  human rights, where are the 'Arab Brothers'?
They are busy condemning a nation who doesn't have nukes who calls for a nuke-free middle east
And those who have nukes are above the law and condemnation while they assassinate civilians and politicians scott-free violating every morality that they profess they heed as creed

Papers Please!
You are now an illegal immigrant
in the land your people have been in for millennium
This is the law of the land by illegal immigrants who plan to steal everything because their diary said so

This is Orwellian oxymoron at its most debased
This is insanity at its most psychotic
This is injustice,dishonor and shame
This is odious policy and we are all to blame

Executions of Palestinian leaders in the occupied territories
or on vacation in Dubai
Depleted uranium and DIMES used on civilians is a war crime
and what do you do about it?
Where is the resonance of your moral outrage,where is the decibel of your heatrsong?

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