Monday, March 8

Israel's "illusory left" | The "world's sickest warrior state"


ARTICLE 1 - "The truth about Israel as only Gideon Levy can tell it." A
damning indictment of Israel’s “peace camp"


SYNOPSIS - Alan Hart views an article published in the Israeli newspaper
Ha’aretz, in which Gideon Levy castigates the Israeli “left” and “peace
camp” for their “impossible adherence to Zionism”, for their complacency
and for the unwillingness of their followers to take personal risk and show
courage, which, he says, mean that Israel's left is “illusory” and its
peace camp “an unborn baby”.

ARTICLE 2 - “The standards that double with warriors." A superpower and
"the world's sickest warrior state"


SYNOPSIS - Paul J. Balles says the US “has not only become the world's
major power, it has become the world's sickest warrior state”. He calls on
humanitarians to reject the double standards set by warmongers, on the clergy
to stop preaching sanctimonious sermons and on teachers to teach a zero
tolerance policy for self-righteous warriors.

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