Friday, October 16

O Little Town of Bethlehem by Michael Hall

O little town of Bethlehem

you broke my heart when i walked through your armed checkpoints

looking up at the ugly grey wall towering over my head

is this truly where Jesus was born?

We went to the center of town, the three of us looking for juice and pita bread

it was past midnight and as alive as the noon of day

laughter and singing and everywhere i looked

the faces of Jesus, the warmth of so many hearts

So this is the town of Bethlehem

we would sing about with passion at Christmas time

how i wish i could share what i see, smell, and hear now

with everyone who sings carols back home with such revelry

this is what i was looking for

the myriad of layers in this town of hope,grace and despair

how can i absorb with so little time so much

thanks Dan and Elizabeth

The next day we trekked through the early streets amazed and dumbfounded

the destruction and construction merged as one to leave us wondering

we walked up to the top of the hill to the gate of a compound and there one lone young soldier giving me the peace sign and a broad smile

we found the university and an old man watering the only grass i saw in the holy land

and then two brothers we met and they shared coffee and their stories with us

blessed by the meeting we are wiser and more humble

You see, no one ever gave us a dirty look

under the the yolk of Hebrew oppression and hate they rise above it all

my struggles and complaints are nothing in comparison

who are these Palestinians, who climb these hills always above the fray?

they survived the Sumerians and Syrians

they outlasted the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians

they were here to outstay the Ottomans

and they endured the British, Germans and French

And then came boatloads of Jews and many of them thought what they saw was theirs and theirs alone

they did not see people who have been here for millennium and if they did they did not care

so today a squeeze goes on each and every day with the purpose of eradication

but i predict the Palestinians will survive this latest invasion too

for i have seen the face of the Palestinian

i have heard their songs and laughter

i have seen how strong they are

these are people that can never be defeated, by anyone


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