Thursday, August 6

John Hagee: Lunatic Lobbyist for Israel

Washington area patriots descended on the civic auditorium on the afternoon of July 21 to pay their disrespects to one of the most dangerous frauds inAmerica today, John C. Hagee.

Hagee is a pitchman for Israel and makes a very good living at it. He owns a 7,500-acre ranch in Brackettville, Tex., complete with a large staff to feed him, his horses and other animals. He collects some $50 million yearly, which is tax-free plus whatever Israel pays him for his work.

What is his work? Well, he not only has a radio-TV program in which he extols the virtues ofAmerican taxpayers sending their money to Israel, he loudly sounds this theme in rallies and speeches across America.

Hagee’s money cow is called Christians United for Israel (CUFI). One of his major efforts is lobbying Congress formoremoney for Israel. Not content with the estimated $10 billion annually (including the interest American taxpayers pay on borrowed money) that U.S. taxpayers already give Israel, Hagee sends his obedient sheeple to Congress to lobby for ever more aid.

Hagee is an unregistered foreign agent for Israel, like AIPAC, the American Israel Political Action Committee. Both operate in blatant violation of the law, but the Justice Department (Eric Holder) overlooks the facts when Israel is involved.

Hagee follows the Israeli line all the way. He advocates a nuclear strike against Iran, oblivious to the Americans and Persians who would be killed and ignoring that Christianity is a religion of peace. Why? In Hagee’s eyes, Iran is a danger to Israel. Hagee hopes this will be the Battle of Armageddon and survivors will immediately go to heaven.

In other words, Hagee is not only an egregious fraud, he’s nuts. As we have said before, if America attacks Iran, it will turn out to be the greatest disaster for this country in its history.

By Willis A. Carto

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