Thursday, August 6

You Can’t Serve Two Masters, John, So Serve America

By E. Stanley Rittenhouse

ev. John Hagee is having a banquet (7/20-23) to honor the state of Israel. Rev. Hagee is a Christian pastor who honors and worships Israel: an anti-Christ, anti-Christianity country.

However, Rev. Hagee cannot serve two masters, as the Bible tells us, and so one wonders which one he serves?

On his TV program of June 7, he was honoring, worshipping and promoting anti-Christ Israel with Ashkenazi (Polish) Jews David Brog and Michael Medved. The large table where Rev. Hagee and David Brog were sitting had the American and Israel flags draped in front of their table.

The flag of the United States should hold the position

of superior prominence!The protocol or etiquette of displaying

our flag (“our” being theAmerican) is to be displayed to the left of one’s view. All others are to be on the right of the U.S. flag.

Rev. Hagee, being the good Zionist that he is, had the Israeli flag where the American flag should be and the American flag to the right of the Israeli flag (an inferior position).

A nation’s flag represents the soul and symbol of the nation. But once again, we see evidence thatAmerica is a colony of anti-Christ Israel.

One wonders how Saint Peter is going to handle Rev. Hagee as Pastor Hagee serves one of Christ’s biggest enemies? One also gives thought to the idea that if the “Christian” reverend had demanded the proper display and thus the proper respect of our flag by putting America first, he would risk the accusation of being labeled an anti-Semite? But there is little fear that will ever be a problem for the Rev. John Hagee, a Zionist of the first order.


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