Thursday, August 6

Patriots Protest 'Rev' John Hagee

By Willis A. Carto

They told me in Sunday School that Jesus Christ was the “Prince of peace.” If my teachers were right, then people like Pat Robertson, John Hagee, Tim LaHaye and others of their stripe are criminals, not Christians. Robertson and Hagee are strong advocates of war. They want the U.S. to hit Iran with all we’ve got and kill as many innocent Persians as possible.

Why? Because, they claim, the Iranians want to bomb their favorite country—Israel, which they believe is where God lives.

According to them, God is unhappy with his peacenik Son but he likes these three slobs and their adoring camp followers.

Well, this is not the first time we have noted that Robertson is no friend of ours. He once excoriated
The Spotlight—our predecessor—for catching on to the clear fact that Robertson is a profiteer of the most sleazy kind, a religious fraud who makes lots of money shaking down sincere Christians by convincing them he has a direct pipeline to God.

Few things in this world are as contemptible as fraudsters who claim to have direct communication to God and use this awful lie to pervert Christianity. Unfortunately, Robertson has made millions by panhandling with his slick Elmer Gantry line. Robertson has squeezed many millions of dollars from sincere Christians who would never believe that he is the fraud he is.

Hagee preaches that Israel is God’s chosen nation and does not have to conduct itself in a civilized manner as do other nations. Hagee says nothing about the Talmud—the Jewish holy book that requires Jews to hate and kill


In 1982 Israel totally obliterated two Palestinian refugee camps, Sabra and Shatilla, killing 2,300 Palestinians, including children and pregnant women after driving some 660,000 into the desert. Today they live in tents and small houses they built for themselves. The U.S. demands that the UN pay for the meager living expenses of these refugees. Of course, most of the UN budget is paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

Hagee insanely wants the U.S.A. to nuclear bomb Iran and start another war. He believes this will start Armageddon and destroy the world, and he and his followers will be wafted up to heaven.

Hagee operates a number of independent businesses, of which his “religious” scam, Global Evangelism TV, is only one. His income is over $50 million per year and he pays little or no income tax. He has an airstrip, a jet plane and crew, given him by U.S.-supported Israel. He has a 7,600-acre ranch in Brackettville, Texas, a chef, waiters, servants and ranch hands to feed himand other animals. He operates a hotel there and charges $250 per night.

The Bible explicitly commands that the only way for Jews to attain salvation is through Christ. But Hagee preaches that Jews do not have to accept Christ to go to heaven. Galatians 1:9 says, “If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received, let him be accursed.”

End of article.

The 'Rev' is obviously unaware of Matthew 19:24 - text pasted below for ready reference:

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."

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