Wednesday, December 31

Thousands and thousands more.....took to the Streets in Solidarity with Gaza
Photos of NY Sunday Demonstration

On Sunday, December 28, 2008 over 5,000 (five thousand) protesters took to the streets of midtown Manhattan among the chaos of the holiday tourist season to show solidarity with the suffering people of Gaza who after eighteen months of starvation and attack by the "Israeli" regime are being subjected to ongoing bombings from Israeli Occupation Forces. Beginning Saturday, December 27, 2008, a mere two days after Christmas, Israel rained over 100 tons of bombs on the Gaza strip, known as the most densely populated territory on earth, killing close to 400 Palestinian women, men and children. As the rally took place "Israel" continued its genocidal bombing - attacking TV stations, hospitals, a university, a pharmacy, and forty tunnels - killing Palestinians as they tried to flee the genocidal "Israeli" massacre.

The Sunday Protesters received support from pedestrians, largely tourist, who joined the rally in solidarity and horror at the news that Israelis were massacring Palestinians.

In February of 2008 Israeli Deputy "Defense" Minister promised a "Shoah" - a larger Holocaust - of Gaza, and it is unquestionable that the plan is well underway. After setting the stage by placing the siege on Gaza in June of 2007, destroying Palestinian resources, preventing the entry of food and medical supplies as Israelis bombed medical facilities and electrical plants, the Israelis have clearly begun to accelerate their genocide of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The energy of the protesters reflected their rage at "Israeli" crimes against humanity and US and international acquiescence to these crimes. Families, women, and youths warned that the blood of Palestinians is as valuable as anyone's, that they will not be forgotten and that they will work arduously to hold "Israel" accountable. The demonstrators urged pedestrians to demand an immediate end to all military and financial aid to "Israel" and that Israel be tried for the crime of genocide, chanting, "Israel you can't hide, you are charged with genocide!" Israel receives over ten billion dollars per year in direct aid from the US and billions more in gifts, charity and indirect contributions. A protester screamed "American Dollars for Americans, no more money to 'Israel'!" as passersby cheered in agreement during this economic recession.

The demonstrators marched to the Egyptian consulate and demanded that the Egyptian Government cease all relations with "Israel" and support the Palestinians in their resistance to "Israel" and then stopped at the "Israeli" consulate chanting "Israel, you will see, Palestine will be free!" and "Occupation is a crime from Iraq to Palestine!"

The organizers, comprised of numerous Arab and Muslim Organization and their Allies, urged the protesters to continue spreading the word, to send aid to Palestinian families, to lobby their local officials, and to join another protest on Saturday January 3, 2009 1pm at 42nd Street & 7th Ave in New York.

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