Saturday, January 3

PFLP calls upon Arab and international forces to escalate their actions and solidarity

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine called on January 3, 2008 upon the Arab people and all progressive forces in the world to escalate all forms of resistance against the Zionist and imperialist enemy.

The PFLP noted the mass response of the Arab people who have taken to the streets across the Arab homeland in support of their sisters and brothers resisting and beseiged in Gaza and called upon this resistance to continue and escalate. The Front further called for popular and armed resistance to the occupiers and invaders of our land to intensify and increase, so that as the enemy attempts to intensify its crimes in Gaza, it will feel the response of the resistance and the fire of the anger and determination of the people everywhere.

In addition, the PFLP called upon the progressive forces of the world to continue and intensify their actions and mobilization against the Israeli crimes and the U.S. and European complicity and support in this war against our people. The PFLP salutes the mass mobilization in the cities of the world - London, New York, Paris, Oslo, Brazil, Lima, Rome, San Francisco, Chicago, Mexico City, Bogota, Manila, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and everywhere - and calls for the continuation of the pressure upon their governments.

The PFLP further stated that this is a historic moment and battle, and a fight for the existence of the resistance and the future of the Palestinian cause. Now is the time to meet this challenge, as the resistance is doing in Gaza and the West Bank, with all utmost action and mobilization throughout the Arab homeland and around the world.

Towards victory!

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