Thursday, August 14

Human chain in Rafah urges Palestinian national unity

Palestinians linked arms in a human chain in the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Wednesday in a demonstration urging Hamas and Fatah to end their rivalry and reunite the Palestinian people.

The protest was organized by the National Association for Democracy and Law in association with dozens of civil society organizations in the Gaza Strip

A Hamas-Fatah unity government disintegrated in June 2007 following deadly fighting between Hamas and Fatah in the Gaza Strip. Since then Hamas has remained in control of Gaza, Fatah the West Bank.

Ibrahim Mu'ammar, the director of the association, said the rivalry between the two movements has a negative affect on the human rights of Palestinians. He urged civil society organizations to speak out and demand national unity.

He also appealed to Arab countries to place pressure on both rivals to achieve national unity.

Representatives of other organizing groups delivered speeches calling on Hamas and Fatah to give priority to higher Palestinian interests over their own partisan interests. The rivalry, they said, threatens the Palestinian cause itself.

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