If you have believed in that Two states solution
today's incident in the KNESSET would be very relevant
and symbolic for your optimistic-illusion.
Ehud Olmert making a welcome /thank-you speech for his guest of Honor , the President of the USA, mentioned incidentally the "two states solution"
when we all noticed that no member of the Knesset did applaud...........
George Bush laughed , and Olmert have had to repeat the same sentence twice ,
until some applauds ,finally, came out.
Also symbolically some Knesset Member left the the room in protest , obviously .
This amounts , in normal situations , to a diplomatic-incident but between good friends such as Israel and the USA it will be forgotten even before dinner , today.
More worth mentioning also , is the fact that the BBC correspondent ,Katie Adler , when asked immediately thereafter to comment on that speech, she did not mention that "non-applause-incident" nor the demonstrative-walk-out.
Now you know it :
1- the Two States Solution is not acceptable by Israel's law-makers .
2- George Bush is leaving soon but Israel is not.
3- The next President will be allowed to promise anything again... but the Knesset will , as usual , have the last word
4- Two-State-Dreamer , may keep on dreaming !!
Raja Chemayel
one-State , one Palestine !!
15 of May 2008
Olmert will be soon arrested for Fraud and bribery George Bush will not be , if he shall retract
his wish for a Two-states.
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