Thursday, May 15

San Francisco: 20 Jews Arrested in protest of 60th Anniversary Event

Yesterday 20 of us were arrested in the lobby of the San Francisco Jewish Community Center at an event organized by the Jewish Community Relations Council's "Israel @ 60? Educational Symposium.

Many other Jews and allies joined us inside as well as outside to voice our opposition to an organization that continually claims to speak in our name as it supports the continued project of Israeli colonialism. By staging the action inside the lobby, we hoped to move our action from a binary of Jews/inside and protestors/outside, to recognize that indeed we are dissent from within the Jewish community

Below is our press release, as well as some links to photos and media gathered so far. Check back for more.

20 Jewish Activists Arrested, Disrupting Jewish Community &Relations Council's (JCRC) 60th Anniversary of Israel Celebration
Jewish Activists Draw Attention to 60 years of Palestinian Forced
Exile and Dispossession

San Francisco—In response to Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations, 20 Jewish activists were arrested, demonstrating Jewish opposition to Israel's 60-year-old policy of dispossession, and highlighting the often-silenced struggle of Palestinian refugees.

For over two hours, 30 Jewish activists and supporters disrupted San Francisco's anniversary event, bunkering against the main atrium of the Jewish Community Center (JCC). In conjunction, over thirty Jewish and Palestinian supporters held a rally outside the center to call attention to ongoing Israeli policy of apartheid against the Palestinian population. With banners reading,
"Jews in Solidarity with 60+ years of Palestinian Resistance," activists declared anniversary, "No Time to Celebrate."

"As Jews of conscience, acting in solidarity with 60-plus years of Palestinian resistance, we're here today to promote an "Independence" that does not depend on an ethnically or religiously exclusive state or on the displacement of indigenous people," said Eric Romann, International Jewish Solidarity Network (IJSN) organizer. "We want is joint liberation, not isolation."

The action in San Francisco, organized by the local IJSN, is part of
"No Time to Celebrate," a national Jewish campaign opposing Israel's 60th Anniversary celebrations, while simultaneously amplifying the American Jewish community's critique of Israeli policy. The Israeli Consulate and the Jewish Community and Relations Council (JCRC), who have attempted to silence any and all criticism of Israeli policy, were the sponsors of this event.

The activists presented the JCRC with a statement, with the following demands:

To stop the targeting of non-Jewish organizations, particularly of organizations serving communities of color in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond, that criticize Israel and/or express solidarity with Palestine

To stop claiming that anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel are anti-Semitic

To acknowledge that they do not speak for the full organized Jewish community—that Jewish voices that criticize Israel and Zionism are legitimate voices of dissent within Jewish communities

To criticize Israeli Deputy Defense Minister,
Matan Vilnai threat of a "shoah" against the people of Gaza and demand a public apology for the exploitation of the Nazi genocide against the Jewish people for the continued ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

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