Saturday, November 1

Reading suggestion - All on Zionism

I'd like to suggest the book "Zionism: Real Enemy of the Jews" (Volumes 1&2) by Alan Hart (writer and former BBC/ITN broadcaster and outspoken anti-Zionist). I have just finished reading it, and I'm completely overwhelmed by its detailed and shocking revelations. I sincerely believe it is a must-read account of the creation of the State of Israel and all the political games and twists that have followed since.
Information about the book and the author is available here:
Below are links to YouTube/Google Video clips of lectures by Alan Hart:
Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews (2006)
Alan Hart Speaks on 60th Anniversary of al Nakba:
Lebanon [Bradford Event - Part 10] by Allan Heart:
Both volumes of the book can be purchased at and only carries volume 2 and offers for pre-order the paperback edition (due to be released in April 2009).
Neither volume is sold at However, the unreleased paperback edition can be pre-ordered there.
I'm pasting below the contents of the book as presented on the book's website:

Volume 1

Prologue: Waiting for the Apocalypse

PART ONE: Mother Israel
Chapter 1: Voice from the Grave

PART TWO: Zionism and the Nazi Holocaust
Chapter 2: Britain Plays the Zionist Card, Eventually
Chapter 3: Britain Betrays the Arabs
Chapter 4: Why Britain Played the Zionist Card
Chapter 5: Ahad Ha-am and the Wrong Messiah
Chapter 6: The Honest Zionists
Chapter 7: America Retreats from the Moral High Ground
Chapter 8: Britain Admits, Too Late, "We were wrong"
Chapter 9: Holocaust - Jewish Death, Zionist Life
Chapter 10: Zionist Terrorism and Ethnic Cleansing
Chapter 11: President Truman Surrenders to Zionism
Chapter 12: Forrestal's Suicide
Chapter 13: The Annihilation Myth
Chapter 14: David Becomes Goliath
Chapter 15: Bernadotte's Assassination

PART THREE: The Wrong Messiah in Action
Chapter 16: Israel Says "No" to Peace
Chapter 17: Making Nasser the Enemy, Act 1
Chapter 18: Making Nasser the Enemy, Act II
Chapter 19: No Go with Nasser for the Palestinians
Chapter 20: Goodbye Mr. Sharett - Victory for "Satan"
Chapter 21: War with Nasser, Act 1; and Confrontation with Eisenhower
Chapter 22: The Showdown that Never Was

Volume 2

Chapter 23: Turning Point - The Assassination of President Kennedy
Chapter 24: America Takes Sides, War with Nasser Act II: and the Creation of Greater Israel
Chapter 25: The Liberty Affair - "Pure Murder" on a "Great Day"
Chapter 26: Goodbye to the Security Council's Integrity
Chapter 27: When Peace Was There for the Taking
Chapter 28: Karameh - a Moment of Destiny
Chapter 29: The Regeneration of Palestinian Nationalism
Chapter 30: "Your Majesty Should Know the United States Only Backs the Winning Horse"
Chapter 31: Wasfi Tal's Assassination - Purpose and Consequence
Chapter 32: The Yom Kippur War and "Nuclear Blackmail"
Chapter 33: Zionism Loses the Propaganda War and the First Goodbye to Rabin
Chapter 34: "Washington - Worst Fears Coming True'"
Chapter 35: The Blood Oath
Chapter 36: "Tell Arafat I've Only Got My Atom Bomb Left!"
Chapter 37: Zionism as the Godfather of Violent Islamic Fundamentalism (Palestinian Style)
Chapter 38: Arafat's Oslo Initiative and Rabin's Assassination
Chapter 39: Netanyahu - The American Sponsored Fool in His Paradise
Chapter 40: Barak and Clinton Blow It; Arafat Gets the Blame
Chapter 41: A resurrection, a Crucifixion and a Road Map to Nowhere

Epilogue: The Jews as the Light Unto Nations

Best regards,
Jana Najjar

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