I'd like to suggest the book "Zionism: Real Enemy of the Jews" (Volumes 1&2) by Alan Hart (writer and former BBC/ITN broadcaster and outspoken anti-Zionist). I have just finished reading it, and I'm completely overwhelmed by its detailed and shocking revelations. I sincerely believe it is a must-read account of the creation of the State of Israel and all the political games and twists that have followed since.
Below are links to YouTube/Google Video clips of lectures by Alan Hart:
Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews (2006)
Alan Hart Speaks on 60th Anniversary of al Nakba:
Lebanon [Bradford Event - Part 10] by Allan Heart:
Amazon.ca only carries volume 2 and offers for pre-order the paperback edition (due to be released in April 2009).
Neither volume is sold at
www.amazon.com. However, the unreleased paperback edition can be pre-ordered there.
I'm pasting below the contents of the book as presented on the book's website:
 | Contents Volume 1 Prologue: Waiting for the Apocalypse PART ONE: Mother Israel Chapter 1: Voice from the Grave PART TWO: Zionism and the Nazi Holocaust Chapter 2: Britain Plays the Zionist Card, Eventually Chapter 3: Britain Betrays the Arabs Chapter 4: Why Britain Played the Zionist Card Chapter 5: Ahad Ha-am and the Wrong Messiah Chapter 6: The Honest Zionists Chapter 7: America Retreats from the Moral High Ground Chapter 8: Britain Admits, Too Late, "We were wrong" Chapter 9: Holocaust - Jewish Death, Zionist Life Chapter 10: Zionist Terrorism and Ethnic Cleansing Chapter 11: President Truman Surrenders to Zionism Chapter 12: Forrestal's Suicide Chapter 13: The Annihilation Myth Chapter 14: David Becomes Goliath Chapter 15: Bernadotte's Assassination PART THREE: The Wrong Messiah in Action Chapter 16: Israel Says "No" to Peace Chapter 17: Making Nasser the Enemy, Act 1 Chapter 18: Making Nasser the Enemy, Act II Chapter 19: No Go with Nasser for the Palestinians Chapter 20: Goodbye Mr. Sharett - Victory for "Satan" Chapter 21: War with Nasser, Act 1; and Confrontation with Eisenhower Chapter 22: The Showdown that Never Was |
| |
 | Contents Volume 2
Chapter 23: Turning Point - The Assassination of President Kennedy Chapter 24: America Takes Sides, War with Nasser Act II: and the Creation of Greater Israel Chapter 25: The Liberty Affair - "Pure Murder" on a "Great Day" Chapter 26: Goodbye to the Security Council's Integrity Chapter 27: When Peace Was There for the Taking Chapter 28: Karameh - a Moment of Destiny Chapter 29: The Regeneration of Palestinian Nationalism Chapter 30: "Your Majesty Should Know the United States Only Backs the Winning Horse" Chapter 31: Wasfi Tal's Assassination - Purpose and Consequence Chapter 32: The Yom Kippur War and "Nuclear Blackmail" Chapter 33: Zionism Loses the Propaganda War and the First Goodbye to Rabin Chapter 34: "Washington - Worst Fears Coming True'" Chapter 35: The Blood Oath Chapter 36: "Tell Arafat I've Only Got My Atom Bomb Left!" Chapter 37: Zionism as the Godfather of Violent Islamic Fundamentalism (Palestinian Style) Chapter 38: Arafat's Oslo Initiative and Rabin's Assassination Chapter 39: Netanyahu - The American Sponsored Fool in His Paradise Chapter 40: Barak and Clinton Blow It; Arafat Gets the Blame Chapter 41: A resurrection, a Crucifixion and a Road Map to Nowhere Epilogue: The Jews as the Light Unto Nations |
Best regards,
Jana Najjar
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