Tuesday, April 22

Students Hunger Strike for Justice for Sami Al-Arian - University of Washington, Seattle


Students Hunger Strike for Justice
Student Coalition for Sami Al-Arian
University of Washington, Seattle
Press Contacts:
Rita Zawaideh, Arab American Community Coalition - 206-601-1141
Ramsey Tesdell, Student Coalition for Sami Al-Arian - 612-750-1377
SEATTLE –On Thursday, April 24th, more than 100 students will participate in a hunger strike in solidarity with Sami Al-Arian and his struggle for justice. A broad coalition of student organizations on the University of Washington campus have come together in solidarity with Sami Al-Arian.
The hunger strike will conclude at 6PM with a showing of the film, USA vs. Al-Arian, and a humble meal in Smith Hall, RM 205 on the campus of the University of Washington Campus.
Sami has been on a hunger strike since March 3, 2008. For the first 18 days, he abstained from both food and water. Since then, he has only taken water. He has lost 35 pounds and his life is in danger. His release is requested not only on legal grounds, but humanitarian grounds as well. This case has drawn international attention and has dealt a severe blow to the United States of America's domestic human rights record. Dr. Al-Arian is the most prominent political prisoner in the United States and the only one currently on a hunger strike.
In February 2003, the FBI raided the home of University of South Florida professor Sami Al-Arian and arrested him in front of his wife and children. Al-Arian was then charged with 17 counts related to terrorism. Many government officials, including then-Attorney General John Ashcroft called Al-Arian a leader in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and made claims that he was raising funds to support terrorism.
The film, USA vs. Al-Arian tells the story through family interviews, news footage, and attractive animation while providing enough detail and context to the illegal incarceration. USA vs. Al-Arian tells not just the story of Sami Al-Arian, but of plight of the Palestinians and of the erosion of civil liberties in the post-9/11 United States.

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