Friday, January 4

HumanRights Let us caucus for peace in 2008

Mazin Qumsiyeh

Some Iowa residents will caucus for peace this evening while Israeli newspaper analyze who is the most supportive of the election primary candidates to Zionist aspirations (Clinton and Giuliani win). Let us all take notes and plan for a new year of work for justice (=peace). The 2007 Statistics: 899 US Troops killed in Iraq (most in one year since the illegal occupation), 18,610 Iraqis killed, 373 Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation forces, 13 Israelis killed by Palestinians, and on and on. Hundreds of billions of dollars siphoned off from us and our children for war and occupations from Afghanistan to Palestine. In the first three days of 2008: 12 Palestinians and dozens of Iraqis killed. Let us all say loudly: enough. Let us all "caucus" to do positive actions for peace.

Can we at least do what the hundreds of Children in Gaza who started the new year by forming a human chain calling for ending the siege ( )

Can we sacrifice a little like these hosts and principles of the Wheels of Justice bus tour arrested in Iowa at HUckaby headquorters for asking "who would Jesus bomb"? (
For more information about the campaign please visit or )

Or can we imitate the villagers of Bil'in who continued their non-violent resistance on the first day of 2008 by lying underneath caravans for new "outpost" (illegal Jewish colony) being constructed on their land and were attacked by racist Jewish settlers protected by a racist state?

What was your/our new year pledge?

In other news and commentaries:

Arab hackers target Israeli websites: Various commerce sites, Likud party site among those affected. Israeli-Arab youth leads hacking cell.,7340,L-3488978,00.html
(BTW, the Likud Party Platform and its hymns are fascist and racist and in many ways even more radical and certainly more dangerous than current racist white supremacist website)

Nakba is now: Only by understanding the Nakba as a unified continuing strategy
can we hope to reverse it, writes Serene Assir

Palestine Is Being Destroyed By Mark Braverman, The Day, New London, CT

Democracy: An existential threat? by Ali Abunimah and Omar Barghouti,

It's Secular by Charley Reese (on role of religion in US politics)

Rice Compares Israeli Occupation to US Segregation: If a Jewish state is legitimate in principle, how and why did "the only democracy in the Middle East," end up looking like apartheid South Africa and the segregated American south. By Lenni Brenner

Personal story: Dina Takruri of Georgetown University School of Foreign Service talks about her experience crossing into Palestine

Interesting quote: "if the day comes when the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights, then, as soon as that happens, the State of Israel is finished." Ehud Olmert ( - 11/29/07)
[Olmert's actions and other words show he means a Jewish sovereign state and Palestinian bantustans not two sovereign states and his other statements clarify that to him State of Israel means only a Jewish racist state not a state of its citizens].

Mazin Qumsiyeh

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