Tuesday, April 15

Liberal Ignatieff's moral compass spinning like a propeller...

C.F. Bernadotte

From a story written by Linda Diebel in today's Toronto Star
about Michael Ignatieff's act of contrition(for calling the IAF
airstrike on Qana in 2006 a war crime) before a Zionist
audience at Holy Blossom Temple;

"In defending the Liberal record, Ignatieff said:
"I tell you, Liberals stand with you, they always
have and they always will." Ignatieff added
that Jewish Canadians could count on a
Dion government.

"All hell immediately broke loose" after his 2006 remark,
said Ignatieff, which accurately describes the reaction to
his comment about Israel's bombing of the Lebanese
village of Qana and the deaths of dozens of civilians
during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah conflict.

The remark, he said, led to charges of "intellectual
anti-Semitism" and cost him personally. It also cost
allies in the Liberal party, although he said he scoffed
at Prime Minister Stephen Harper's assertion it was
another example of Liberal indifference to Israel.

"Politicians can't expect to hold the trust of citizens unless
they own up to things we've done wrong," he said.
Ignatieff suggested, instead of using the term "war
crime," he might better have noted Israel "may have
failed to comply with the Geneva Convention of the
laws of war."

Or, he said, he might have said Israel "has the right to
defend itself but had to avoid civilian casualties.""
full text;
Ignatieff's inititial reaction to the Israeli airstrike
was that he "didn't lose any sleep over it." Then, when
that appeared a little callous, he admitted that possibly
it might have been a war crime. Now he want's to
rebrand it a failure "to comply with the Geneva
Convention of the laws of war"(I'm not certain how that
differentiates it from a war crime).
Even for a Liberal, that appears pretty morally capricious...


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