Tuesday, April 15

"Let the refugees return"

From: Annie Annab

RE: Let the refugees return: Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations fail because the root problem has not been addressed

Dear Editor,

Reading American newspapers, rarely do I come across such a revealing article concerning Palestine/Israel- thus what a relief and an inspiration it is to see "Let the refugees return: Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations fail because the root problem has not been addressed" by Edith Garwood.

"The elephant in the room -- the refugee issue" has been very much ignored and/or demonized when really it is simple logic as well as a legal right recognized and affirmed specifically since 1948 and multiple times since then: The Palestinian refugees (as well as all Arabs and Muslims) have known all along that the United Nations, the organization that helped create "Israel" also at the same time quite clearly expected Israel to respect the Palestinian refugees' inalienable and natural right to return to original homes and lands.

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition,
has a very informative fact sheet The Right To Return, a Basic Right Still Denied (http://www.al-awda.org/facts.html) concerning the rightness of the Palestinian refugees right of return- and as the Al-Awda logo says this year for their upcoming conference in to be held in California this May: "PALESTINE: 60 YEARS OF FORCED EXILE - TIME FOR RETURN! "!!!

Anne Selden Annab


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