Saturday, March 8

Letter to Toronto Star and other Media re : Alan Baker

March 8, 2008

Gary D. Keenan
Vancouver, B.C.

Dear editor

Ambassador Alan Baker's assertion that "No reasonable
people can be expected to suffer constant, daily
barrages of missiles and the deliberate murder of its
civilians without the right to defend itself" would be
irrefutable if Israelis and their leaders were in
fact, "reasonable" (The way of terror and the
response, Mar. 8.)

Instead, through its control of the Gaza Strip's
entrances, exits, airspace and sea access while
imposing a cruel embargo that constitutes illegal
collective punishment reminiscent of the Warsaw
ghetto, Israel has created the world's largest prison.
How can anyone be surprised that its long suffering
inmates have risen up against their oppressors using
whatever means they can, including primitive and
generally ineffective rockets?

Abandoning reason, humanity and hard-won international
law, Israel continues to retaliate with criminally
disproportionate land and air attacks resulting in the
deaths of hundreds of Palestinians, including many
non-combatants, women and children.

Any reasonably informed rational person understands
that the root of the conflict is Israel's
illegal and brutal occupation of Palestinian and other
Arab lands it invaded in 1967.

Yours sincerely

Gary D. Keenan

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