Saturday, January 19

Racist Jewish Zionists attack Galloway, Obama, Gandhi, The Quran and defame ML King Jr

Mazin Qumsiyeh

(Doing action half an hour or an hour per day is the
best form of uplifting mind and spirit :-)

ACTION 1: Arun Gandhi, the Grandson of Mahatma
Gandhi made comments that irked Zionists around the world.
His comments on the need to abandon the culture of violence
were published at the Washington Post blog "on faith"

He later clarified and apologized for some of these comments,
although I would have preferred he point out the ample evidence of
Israel and Zionism claiming to represent Jews, pushing for
enless wars (on Palestine, on its neighbors, on Iraq, and
soon on Iran). The rabid attacks on Arun keep coming and
span the spectrum of Zionist world from the Jerusalem
Post to ADL to the Zionist President of his University of
Rochester. I just sent a letter of support at Gandhi's
institute and urge you to do the same.

(BTW, on the Wheels of Justice bus tour that we organize,
we have painted on the side of the bus the slogan "Nonviolent
or nonexistence" and we must continue to live to that creed
and advance it even when we get attacked).

ACTION 2: The American Jewish Committee, like other Zionist
outfits in this country, spreads fake quotes that they claim
came from Martin Luther King Jr in support of Israel and
Zionism. In their ads this week, they used a fake quote
(see more about the misuse of MLK below), Write to the
media to challenge these things and also speak out against
war, against racism, and against the bigotry of these people
(which MLK would be doing today if he was alive).

Fraud fit for a King: Israel, Zionism, and the misuse of
MLK by Tim Wise

Desperation and Drastic Measures:
The Use and Abuse of Martin Luther King Jr.
by Israel's Apologists

MLK Jr in his own words illustrate clearly that he would
be against the so called PATRIOT act and any discrimination,
wars and oppression (all suported by AJC, ADL, and other
Zionist outfits in the US):
(Letter from Birmingham Jail)
(I have a dream speech) or simply
"I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the
violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first
spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the
world today -- my own government.... There is something
strangely inconsistent about a nation and a press that would
praise you when you say, 'Be nonviolent toward Jim Clark,'
but will curse and damn you when you say, 'Be nonviolent
toward little brown Vietnamese children!' There is something
wrong with that press...." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

ACTION 3: Racist Zionist says:
"The Quran is a book of Hate"
Write to advertisers to stop advertising at this Islamophobe
and racist show of Michael Savage. See this link for audio
and action item details/contact information for advertisers:

In the New York Times article on the subject of Savage
and his background, we find:
"At one point Mr. Savage — who was born Michael Weiner,
and who still is, legally, Michael Weiner — led a visitor to a
glass case that included a photo of him as a boy wearing a
tallit, or Jewish prayer shawl."

Jews especially need to disassociate themselves from
bigots and racists like Weiner/aka Savage and David
Frum. Their racism and bigotry if unchallenged by fellow
Jews encourages anti-Semitism and hatred

TO END RACIAL PROFILING. Take Action! Visit this page:

Must see debate between Zionist Neocon
David Frum and George Galloway

Zionist Jews attack Barak Obama. See this vitriolic
article that equates calling for an end to the
occupation and balanced US foreign policy with
"Anti-Semitism". Bizarre but relevant to understand
and to challenge.

The reality is that Obama has gone out of his way
to ignore human rights to satisfy the political need to
get the Israel-First Lobby
For a an article
"How Obama Learned to Love Israel"

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD


Related Posts:

1 comment:

  1. The attack on Arun Gandhi once again proves the fact that the Zionists are getting more and more stupid by the day. It also proves for one and all, that the power of the Jewish Zionist lobby in the key certain of American power, including the academia. The very fact that they cannot tolerate criticism and moreover quell any sort of debate or discussion at the very root, only go to prove as to how morally bankrupt the Zionist Nazis are. In any case they have grown so stupid that they dont realise that by attacking Arun Gandhi, they have taken on the family of the Mahatma and the Indian people. The ruling Congress and the US-Israeli stooges in India have time and again betrayed the man who won us our freedom but the Indian people will standup for the Mahatma and his values. We are in the process of battling against the Zionist influence in India as well and this issue will undoubtedly be helpful. Thank you - stupid dumb Zionists.
    Feroze Mithiborwala
    Mumbai - India
