Saturday, September 6

Voice Of Palestine, Canada Needs Your Support

On Sept. 2, 2008, Voice of Palestine (VOP) in Vancouver, Canada will mark its twenty-first anniversary

Since Sept. 1, 1987, VOP has been on the air every Tuesday evening, initially for half an hour from 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm for the first seven years, and for the next fourteen years for a full hour from 8:00 pm -9:00 pm.

Voice of Palestine is an independent voice for the Palestinian people, and is an educational tool to explain the history, aspirations and struggles of the Palestinian people. We report on these struggles and on the news of the international solidarity movement with Palestine, and also expose all those who support Zionism and its project on the land of historic Palestine, including Jewish Zionists, Christian Zionists and Muslim and Arab Zionists.

We urge you to support our persistent and committed voice by tuning in to 102.7 FM locally, listening on the internet, checking out our website, forwarding our messages to your address book and urging everyone to join our facebook group (

In Solidarity
Hanna Kawas
for the Voice of Palestine Collective


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