Thursday, January 10

Palestine Solidarity Campaign Events in 2008

Dear members, friends and supporter

Please find below a list of Palestine Solidarity

Campaign events in 2008 for your diaries.

We would like to recommend that you visit the PSC

website regularly for updates and new events


We are very much hoping to

see you all there.

Best wishes.


End the Siege on Gaza

Ongoing campaign and events.

Next day of protests: Saturday 12 January in London

and Sheffield and around the country.

Saturday 26January

International Day of Actions to End the

Siege on Gaza

Visit: for more info or

contact your local branch for the next event.

Norman Finkelstein

UK Speaking Tour

Monday 21st of January 2008

Academy 2 @ University of Manchester
Students Union

7:30pm -10:00pm

Tuesday 22nd of January 2008

*Keele University (Afternoon)

*University of Cambridge (Evening)

Thursday 24th of January 2008

*University of Sussex (Afternoon)

Friday 25th of January 2008

*University of Glasgow (Evening)

All the events will be ticketed.

Organised by FOSIS with the support of PSC.

More information very soon! Watch this space..

PSC AGM 23 February 2008

Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London,
WC 1 (nearest tube Holborn). Cost £6 waged,
£4 unwaged (to cover cost of hall and lunch)

Registration 10.00, for 10.30 start. Finishes 5pm.

PSC and Al Zaytouna

Dabka group present


by Ghassan Kanafani

Thursday 8th, Friday
the 9th and
Saturday the 10th of
May 2008

An adaptation of Ghassan Kanafani's Returning to
to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the
Nakba (1948 Palestinian Catastrophe).

At the Greenwood Theatre, Weston Street,
London SE1 3RA

Tickets: Advance Booking: Adults: £15, conc: £12 //
On the door: Adults: £17, Conc: £15

Tickets from the PSC 0207 700 6192

10 May National


In central London to commemorate the Nakba
and continuing dispossession and denial of
Palestinian rights.

Saturday June 7th

Palestine Lives 2008

PSC Rally in the North

Central Manchester

PSC Peak District

Sponsored Walk

21st - 22nd June, 2008

Following our very successful Sponsored Walk
event in Abergavenny this year in which £22,066
was raised towards PSC's new website
(to be launched soon!) and other campaign work,
we are pleased to announce details of our 2008
Sponsored Walk taking place in the Peak District
National Park, Derbyshire.

Join us next year to help raise much needed funds
for the national campaign, and to spend a fun
weekend with campaigners from across the country.
PSC Sponsored walk 2008 will take place on Saturday
21st and Sunday 22nd June. With accommodation
reserved at Castleton Youth Hostel, Hope Valley,
Peak District National Park, Derbyshire (Nearest
Station, Hope)

For more information

please visit:


22 October: Palestine Aloud

Concert (more details soon)

October: Art Exhibition

(Details and dates to be

confirmed very soon)

Late November: Lobby of

Parliament for Palestine

Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Tel: 020 7700 6192
Fax: 020 7609 7779




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