Friday, December 21

fervent cry against what is happening to besieged inhabitants of Gaza

To: H.E. Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General Of The United Nations

On This Day of the Celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human rights,
and the subsequent conventions and covenants pertaining to the international
humanitarian law, on the protection of the economic, social and cultural rights
of peoples living under the double jeopardy of occupation and siege, we,
representative of civil organizations and women's associations in Jordan,
feel impelled to draw your Excellency's attention to the inhuman and unparalleled
plight and suffering, to which the one and a half million civilian inhabitants of the
Gaza strip are being subjected, and particularly, the women, the children,
the elderly and the sick, who are caught in the middle of relentless siege,
and an unabated conflict. The situation is unbearable and unacceptable in
human terms.

The one and a half million of Gaza are deprived of the basic necessities of life,
food, electricity, fuels, clean water, medicine and movement, within the strip
and without it.

How can the world watch with seeming callous indifference,
this collusive apathy, in the face of a monumental crime against humanity?
We hope that our fervent cry against what is happening to besieged inhabitants of Gaza,
will find an echo in the halls of United Nations and more attention and direct
intervention to stop the atrocities against human beings in Palestine,
as it solemnly celebrates the universal declaration of human rights.

With our highest esteem.

Jerusalem Forum.


The Undersigned

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