Wednesday, January 23

No more Gaza - Dr. Sarraj has unlocked Israel's agenda.

One hour before it's dark
Israeli military establishment decided to stop power supply
and fuel to Gaza. Since Thursday, food and huminitarian aid
are not allowed in. Very soon life will come to a standstill.
Water will not be pumped for a even drink. My step son is
on ventilator for asthma every night. What will happen to him
when our generator is not running any more? What will
happen to hospitals, vaccines and blood banks? What
will happen to patients on dialysis machines, and to
babies in incubators?

Before it is dark and when there is no communication with
the world, I want to tell you that current Israeli policy of
squeezing on has the aim of pushing Egypt to open its
borders with Gaza and bring the situation to prior 1967.
Israel will then close its borders with Gaza, separates the
Strip from the West bank and destroys the peace proposals
of one state or two states. In short Israel is fulfilling the Sharon
unilateral withdrawal strategy. If Egypt fails to open its borders
with Gaza, Israel will push us through Rafah towards the Sinai
desert. Wait for the exodus.
Eyad El Sarraj

Medical Director
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

Dr. Sarraj has unlocked Israel's agenda. It is not to stop
the Qassam rockets. If Israel were serious about that,
it would have agreed to the ceasefire that Hamas has
always offered. Rather, it is to rid itself once and for all of
the Palestinians in Gaza. The preferred method would be,
as he says, to push them through Rafah towards the Sinai desert.

However, an acceptable alternative has always been to
place them under a repressive quisling regime that could
take responsibility for ending Palestinian resistance.
Having failed at installing the Fayyad administration in
Gaza, Israel sees Egypt as inheritor of the mantle.
The Jan. 22 Jerusalem Post quotes a senior Israeli
defense official as saying, "
We will not allow a
humanitarian crisis to develop [in Gaza]. In the
meantime, if the Palestinians want food or medicine,
they can turn to
Egypt and start to take care of themselves."

Despite its prowess at repression, Egypt will not accept
this role willingly. There is near universal sympathy for
Palestinians in Egypt, and becoming their policeman will
make Egypt's internal politics even more volatile than it is
now. Furthermore, it is bound to strain relations with Israel,
whenever Egypt fails to restrain Palestinians to Israeli satisfaction.
Egypt's decision to allow thousands of stranded Palestinian
pilgrims through the Rafah crossing without Israeli concurrence
was a taste of the potential disputes that could arise.

However, Egypt may find itself with few choices, given the
pressures to provide Gaza with basic humanitarian needs
that Israel is withholding. In that case, Egypt will find itself as
the executor of the principle that underlies all Israeli policy
from immigration, land use, building permits and humanitarian measures:

Reduce Palestinian existence to the minimum
possible in areas coveted by Israel.

There is no better definition of genocide.

Paul Larudee


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