Sunday, January 18

Horrifying Story Now Unfolding

Horrifying Story Now Unfolding

by Salmah Umm Zainab

Psychopath imprisoned multiple helpless victims in basement for decades, repeatedly raping, beating and starving them punitively while providing occasional first aid kits and food rations to keep them barely alive.Authorities did not seem to take any notice of the decades long situation, in spite of frantic missing persons reports and occassional complaints of disturbing sounds coming from the house. One naked and bleeding victim even managed to escape temporarily and tried to get help only to be returned to his jailor by police who didn’t want to interfere in a “lovers quarrel”.

Later, after terrible odors emanating from the house could no longer be ignored, it was discovered that the house was actually owned by the victims whose bodies now fill the basement and shallow graves in the back yard. With the presumed aid of well-placed accomplices, their captor had taken contested possession of the home and, when the former owners fought to keep it, used an array weapons to threaten and intimidate and even murder them.

A well-respected and well-liked prominent member in his community, it is thought that he may have had help from a number of persons in the neighborhood and even from a network of important friends in other cities and states who, apparently, knew and supported what he was doing.

The alleged perpetrator has been identified as “Israel” and his victims, as “the Palestinians”. The suspect has not been apprehended although authorities know where he is. A spokesman says they are awaiting further evidence that any wrong has actually been committed. Due to legal technicalities, he may have been acting within his rights.

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