Sunday, December 2

9/11 documentaries - by release-year

9/11 documentaries - by release-year

Click the Link below and go get your free download.

The Truth And Lies Of 9-11 (2001)
This is probably the first 9/11 presentation which questions the
official story ever made.

The Great Deception:
The War on Terrorism - An alternative view (2002)
A excellent commentary series on the predominant media, their "war on
terror" propaganda and their blind ignorance of any evidence that
points to the truth about 9/11 and the "war on terror".

911 - The Great Illusion (2004)
This excellent documentary provides a huge amount of factual
objective background-information which is essential in order to
understand 911's part of the bigger picture. It also splendidly
covers all the flaws in the official story, the laws of physics who
clearly prove the twin towers were brought down by controlled
demolition and most other relevant information regarding what really
happened 11. September 2001.

In Plane Site (2004 version & Directors Cut)
"In Plain Site" is a film which covers the pentagon well and raises
many good questions. The original version has some errors - which are
mostly fixed in the directors cut version. (Both original, Directors
cut and Directors cut dubbed Italian are available)

Perspective on 9-11 (2004)
This video is a compilation of segments from other videos on the
9/11/01 attack and historical precedents - and Slide-shows who lay
out the facts in-between.

The Great Conspiracy:
The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw (2004)
"The official story just doesn't make sense, as we will show. It is
exploited, as planned, by it's creators: The government. But final
responsibility for the unbelievable story living on to the extent it
does in the public mind lies with the vast majority of my colleges in
the mainstream media. If they ever start do to their job properly,
and examine it sceptically, the official story will crumble into dust
finer than that of the twin towers." By Barrie Wallace Zwicker.

Confronting the Evidence:
A Call to Reopen the 911 Investigation (2004-09-11)
"Confronting the Evidence: A Call to Reopen the 9/11 Investigation"
is a new DVD exposing critical evidence about the 9/11 attacks by "Confronting the Evidence" includes footage of a "town
hall meeting" held on September 11, 2004 in New York City.This is a
excellent 9/11 documentary which includes video footage from a few
other films and also speeches by 9/11 activist.

Anthony J. Hilder - 911 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold (2005)
"The stark, raw reality is that the 911 "story" is the greatest lie
ever sold.

The 9/11 Issue: Key to Stopping World War III (January, 2005)
Lecture on 9/11 and World War III by Webster G. Tarpley, New York
City, January 15, 2005

911 - Painful Deceptions:
An Analysis of the 911 Attack (2005-02-01)
A great video which explains that there is no evidence a Flight 77
hit the pentagon and that the World Trade Center towers were brought
down by controlled demolition. It also shows the Oklahoma city
bombing was, like 9/11, an inside job. The video also shows that
thinking America (and other fascist regimes, like Norway, who are
camouflaged as democratic but in reality are dictatorships with the
illusion of choice) has a free press is allowing yourself to be mind-
controlled and why deception is the main weapon in the war to control
the population.

Who Killed John O'Neill? (2005)
"Who Killed John O'Neill?" is a excellent movie on 9/11 which is not
made like a documentary but rather like a thriller - yet it gives
more interesting facts about 9/11 than most of the 9/11-documentaries

David Ray Griffin: 911 and the American Empire (2005-04-18)
"So, whether or not the Pentagon was hit by flight 727, the evidence
suggests it must have been an inside job. We can conclude the same
thing on the attacks on the World Trade Center." -- Dr. David Rady

Omissions & Distortions in---
The 9/11 Commission Report: A Significant Pattern
The 9/11 Commission Report: A Significant Pattern - David Ray
Griffin, Washington, DC 9/23/05 (Testimony at the Congerssional Black
Caucus Annual Legislative Conference)

9/11 Breaking the Laws of Physics - FINAL edit (2006-02-01)
On Wednesday, February 1 2006 Dr. Steven Jones gave this presentation
on 9/11 and the physics of falling bodies and how it was physically
impossible for these structures to have collapsed based on the
conclusion that our government has given us. This video could
possibly be the most conclusive work yet in disproving the "official

911 - The opening salvo (2006-04-28)
xiando presents his take on September 11th 2001 in this 6 minute long

SEPTEMBER 11: Evidence to the Contrary - Producers Final Cut (2005)
With an excerpt from Alex's Martial Law 11 and Eric's "Are the
criminals frightened" a snippet from "Loose Change" and commercials
from, this 59:00min video is a great intro for anyone
seeking answers about that day.

David Shayler, MI5 whistleblower, on 9-11 (April, 2006)
David Shayler, MI5 whistleblower, discusses BUY professor Steven
Jones paper on 9/11 and a plethora of other issues surrounding the
september 11th attacks.

9/11 Mysteries - PART 1: DEMOLITIONS (2006)
90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with
staggering witness testimonials. Moving from "the myth" through "the
analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the
official story set right alongside clean, clear science.

Improbable Collapse (April, 2006)
Improbable Collapse a movie which thoroughly reviews the evidence for
WTC demolitions from a scientific perspective. It is made by Michael
Berger, the media coordinator of

Loose Change - 2nd Edition Recut (2006)
What if:
The Twin Towers were not hit by commercial airliners?
The World Trade Center was brought down in a controlled demolition?
The Pentagon was not hit by a 757?
Flight 93 was shot down?
9/11 v7 (Updated April 30th 2006)
This is a excellent 9/11 documentary which includes video footage
from a few other films and also speeches by 9/11 activist.
BYU Professor Steven E. Jones update (2006-04-06)
BYU Professor Steven E. Jones gives an update on his research of the
events of September 11th 2001.
9/11: Revealing the Truth - Reclaiming Our Future
Chicago - June 2-4th 2006
9/11: Revealing the Truth: Alex Jones
Alex Jones lays out the whole history of false-flag government
terrorism throughout history - Rome to modern times - and then gets
into 9/11.

9/11: Revealing the Truth: Steven Jones
Jones presents his research regarding the hypothesis that thermate
may have been involved in a controlled demolition of three WTC
buildings on 9/11.

9/11: Revealing the Truth: Meria Heller
Meria Heller dismantles the 9/11 myth, lists a host of 9/11
anomalies, and presents Rudolph Guliani as a mayor more concerned
with post-9/11 PR than the Knight in shining armor that his glorious
media patina might suggest.

9/11: Revealing the Truth: William Pepper
William Pepper on 9/11, freedom, democracy, assasinations, the
infiltrators in organisations such as the 9/11 truth movement, and
state-sponsored terrorism.

9/11: Revealing the Truth: Annie Machon
Annie Machon, MI5 whistle-blower, gives a first-hand view of British
American Scholars Symposium, Los Angeles June 24-25, 2006
Speakers and attendees came from across the planet to experience the
biggest ever 9/11 conference June 24-25, 2006

It had more highly respected speakers than any other, more amazing
films than any other, plus special celebrity appearances from actor &
activist Charlie Sheen and others.

People came to learn, they came to share and they came to help each
other create new strategies to defend the constitution and save the
republic from the grip of its greatest enemy.

CSPAN broadcast - Panel Presentation (American Scholars Symposium
This is Alex Jones' wonderful Los Angeles conference as filmed by
CSPAN and broadcast a whole month later. The speakers include:
Professor Steven Jones, Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, Webster Tarpley, and
James Fetzer. This is just a short presentation of the most important
points by the panel speakers, not the long separate presentations by
the individual speakers

Webster Griffin Tarpley (American Scholars Symposium)
Webster Griffin Tarpley has done much research on the people involved
in 9/11 and the terror drills who took place that day.

William Rodriguez (American Scholars Symposium)
William Rodriguez was working at the WTC on 9/11 and witnessed
multiple explosions going off before the towers were finally
completely demolished using high-tech explosives.

Bob Bowman (American Scholars Symposium)
Bob Bowman flew 101 combat missions over Vietnam. He has long been a
part of the 9/11 truth movement. He lays special weight on the NORAD
stand-down on 9/11 in his speech - being an interceptor pilot himself
he knows the drills, knows what it takes, knows how long it takes and
knows that NORAD doing absolutely nothing on 9/11 could not be by

Steven E. Jones (American Scholars Symposium)
Steven Jones - a professor of physics at Brigham Young University who
conducts research in nuclear fusion and solar energy - presents
evidence that the World Trade Center Twin Towers and WTC 7 were
brought down by pre-positioned charges.

Prof. Kevin Barrett vs Fox News (2006-07-10)
A short Clip of Professor Kevin Barrett on FOX NEWS during the
Hannity & Colmes Show July 10th, 2006.

Oil, Smoke and Mirrors (October, 2006)
"Oil, Smoke and Mirrors" offers a bleaker view of present global
circumstances than many of us would dare consider. It deals with
issues that are largely marginalized, if not ignored, in the
discourse of mainstream media politics. This video covers 9/11 in a
broader context than most videos.

Short Film from Ground Zero, 9/11/06
A seven minute long short film from the demonstrations at Ground Zero
on the give year anniversary of 9/11

September 11, 2001: What We Saw (2006)
An eye witness home-video movie filmed on September 11th, 2001 from
41 River Terrace, the tallest building in Battery Park City North,
about 500 yards northwest of ground zero using a Sony DCR-TRV11

Project Censored: 9/11 Complicity
A Project Censored lecture about 9/11 at Santa Rosa Junior College on
September 11, 2006.

David Ray Griffin in Copenhagen, 14. September 2006
Another excellent 9/11 lecture by David Ray Griffin.

America WAKE UP! (2006)
A video about the Police State of America and coming martial law
(unless you STOP it!!), duration 3,5+ hours. Video quality medium,
sound quality good.
Lifting The Fog - November 11th, 2006
Lifting the fog - The scientific Method applied to the 9-11 World
Trade Center disaster. A conference held November 11, 2006 on the UC-
Berkeley campus, Berkeley CA

Introduction & Session 1: Ground Zero Exposures and Health Impacts
Introduction by Mikey Huff - and Session 1: Ground Zero Exposures and
Health Impacts.

Session 2: Analysis of the World Trade Center Destruction
What can be learned from analysis of the physical features of the
total destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building
7? Are there natural processes that could explain these features?

Session 3: Critique of Official Collapse Theories by Jim Hoffman
What are the official collapse theories? Can they account for the
total collapses and for specific features documented by physical
evidence? How scientific were the investigations that produced these

Session 4: Panel discussion
What conclusions can be made about the destruction of the World Trade
Center using science, and what are the implications?

David Ray Griffin in Copenhagen, 14. September 2006
Another excellent 9/11 lecture by David Ray Griffin.

The PentaCon (February, 2007)
"Nearly two hours of exhaustive and meticulously cited presentation
of the evidence that refutes the 9/11 Commission report and other
presumptions about September 11th and the War on Terror."

The 911 Solution - The big clue everyone missed (February, 2007)
A very specific and measurable program to manipulate public opinion
began within minutes of the September 11 attacks. Many "myths" were
presented as facts by the US mass media long before anyone could have
possibly had the information or done the research to verify them.

The Third Stage (April, 2007)
All through passes through three stages, including the trugh about
9/11. "The Third Stage" is a 20 minute mix of various 9/11 truth

September 11th Revisited: Were explosives used? - 2nd Edition (2007)
This film provides stunning evidence that explosives were used in the
complete demolition of the WTC Twin Towers and WTC Building 7. NEW
EXTENDED VERSION: The new version of September 11th Revisited (v.2)
adds higher quality clips, more footage, more witnesses, etc.

Open Complicity: Anatomy of the 9/11 Cover-Up (2007)
This is a 9/11 documentary for the advanced class. It starts off with
the defeat of the official story as point of departure, then examines
specific anomalies and advances a theory to explain their presence.
Much of this material is not discussed in other films.

911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy (June 2007)
A David Shayler documentary about the BBCs coverage of the September
11th, 2001 "terrorist attack" which compares todays medias
doublespeak to the state of affairs described in George Orwells book

Audio files - Music, Interviews & speeches
Eric Hufschmid talks on the phone with the Loose Change boys (April,
In this audio, Eric Hufschmid, the creator of 911 - Painful
Deceptions: An Analysis of the 911 Attack, talks on the phone with
the creators of the Loose Change documentary.

Richard Andrew Grove on the Meria Heller Show May 28th, 2006
Richard Andrew Grove is a whistle-blower who worked for the big boys
and money people behind 9/11 has come out with information to set the
9/11 movement on fire.

David Ray Griffin on Guns And Butter radio (March/April 2006)
2006-04-05: 911 The Myth & The Reality, Part One
2006-04-12: 911 The Myth & The Reality, Part Two
2006-03-29: Explosive Testimony: The 911 Oral Histories
Inside Job
9/11 truth song (exposing the true terrorists) by MC-Sly-G
Just raw footage, video clips and pictures.

BBC footage from 9/11 - Mentions Explosions at WTC
This is a video clip from the BBC, in which the sound of explosions
can be heard seconds BEFORE the North Tower falls down. In the
interview, the person being interviewed says: "Then, an hour later,
we had that big explosion, from much much lower. I don't know what on
earth caused that."
Relevant documentaries who briefly mention or explain 911
"WHAT IS FASCISM?" blows the lid off of ...

The U.S. government committing genocide in the U.S. and all over the
The FBI's Counter Intelligence Program used to defame and KILL civil
rights figures.
The government's role in Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City, and 9/11.
Shocking video of the growing police state-- including military
police violating the 4th amendment.
The plan to inject a microchip into every single human being (What
the Bible calls "the Mark of the Beast").
Please share the documentaries and information available from this
website with friends, family and strangers
The "official version" of world history will not include most of the
information available from this website. Check your children's
schoolbooks and compare them with the evidence available at this
website. You will find that todays children are being deliberately
lied to and badly manipulated. You absolutely have to help ensure
that future historians as well as fellow citizens in todays society
have the possibility to uncover the true history of humanity. Burn CD
or DVD copies and share them with friends, family and even random

"Those who fail to learn the lessons that history teaches, are doomed
to repeat them"

Please think actively
Please use your brain. It is a great instrument.

Think actively. Ask questions. Question everyone and everything. Do
not accept any information without having carefully considered it and
though about it.

Trust only yourself and your ability to do objective intellectual
reasoning when receiving information.

We may be disinformation terrorist for all you know. The information
we present may be false. You can not know for sure without actively
questioning the information we present. Please think through the
information presented. This is specially important when viewing state
or corporate "news outlets". It is also important to question both
content and users when reading and debating on Internet forums.
Government disinformation terrorist participate in public debates in
order to distort, and obscurity the truth. Such disinformation
terrorist, at least those employed by the tyrannical Norwegian
government, also illegally surveillance the Internet connection of
those who ask critical questions and share the truth in order to
ridicule and discredit what they write in public forums. It should
also be noted that such disinformation terrorist are in many cases
closely connected to other government terrorist who covertly torture
using "Active Denial System" weapons, microwave weapons and other
similar covert-torture-technologies.

Also be aware that the typical tactic in psychological warfare is to
encourage you to reject information WITHOUT HAVING LOOKED AT IT:
Those who encourage you to have an opinion of any issue without
investigating it and without looking at the facts are likely
government disinformation terrorist.

Is it wise to blindly and mindlessly accept or reject anything?

You really do need to make a honest effort of doing your own
investigation. Do your own research!

Do you want to be a passive receiver, or an active participant?

Educate yourself
"Those who fail to learn the lessons that history teaches, are doomed
to repeat them"


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