Saturday, November 3

PR Condi

Palestinians will deliver a message to Condoleezza Rice on the Israeli-only 443 highway: The segregation that Condoleezza's parents suffered from and struggled against did not die in Alabama, but lives today in Palestine. The demonstration will take place at the bridge near Beit Ur that runs above the Palestinian only tunnel that runs underneath the highway.

"We aren't allowed on the front or the backs of busses, we aren't even allowed on the roads of our own country." explained Mohammed K. of the Popular Mobilization against Apartheid.

In the version of the two state solutions being advocated by Dr. Rice in her trips throughout the Middle East, road 443 will remain in Israeli control. Despite the fact that all Israeli settlements are illegal under international law, the Bush administration promised Israel in
2004 that the border of Israel with the future Palestinian state would be adjusted to allow Israel to retain its "already existing major Israeli population centers". Since this promise in 2004 Israel has increased creation and building of the settlements and settlement
infrastructure that make up these major population centers. According to this vision already existing settler roads will run throughout the so called Palestinian state, with bridges for Israelis and tunnels underneath for Palestinians. These segregated roads divide any possible
Palestinian state into separate enclaves.

Abdullah A., a speaker for the Popular Mobilization against Apartheid said, "the two state solution promoted by Bush and Dr. Rice is not actually two states nor is it a solution. It is Apartheid."

For seven years now, Highway 443 has been accessible to Israelis only. Palestinians are forbidden to travel on the highway, even on the 9.5 kilometer-long segment which passes through occupied West Bank territory and is built on land that has been confiscated from

The policy of prohibiting Palestinian movement on this road is not an isolated case. On 312 kilometers of main roads in the West Bank, vehicles bearing Palestinian license plates are forbidden or restricted access. According to OCHA (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) Of the 561 physical obstacles and check point that restrict Palestinian movement, only fourteen separate the territories occupied in 1967 from Israel proper. Nearly all of the physical obstacles and checkpoints that make up the closure regime are located along the roads for Israeli use. These roads, in addition to the segregation wall, carve up Palestinian areas into isolated enclaves. This fragmentation is at the root of the West Bank 's declining economy.

For more information:
Yousef Karaje 02-2488113
mohammed 0545573285

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Apartheid Masked

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