Tuesday, November 27

Oil for Israel, Olives, Zionism, Anna and Hannah, and More

Having private thoughts is not enough
Complaints and writing statements is not enough

Quote of the week:
"Under a 1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) the USA guaranteed all Israel’s oil needs in the event of a crisis. This Memorandum of Understanding is quietly renewed every five years. It commits U.S. taxpayers to maintain a strategic U.S. reserve for Israel, equivalent to $3 billion in 2002 dollars. Special legislation was enacted to exempt Israel from restrictions on oil exports from the USA. Moreover, the U.S. government agreed to divert oil from the USA, even if this causes domestic shortages. The U.S. government also guaranteed delivery of oil in U.S. tankers if commercial shippers become unable or unwilling to carry oil from the USA to Israel..."

Sandy Tolan (http://www.sandytolan.com/the-lemon-tree) Kitchen Sisters produced the "The Olive Oil Season: A West Bank Kitchen Story," that aired as part of "Hidden Kitchens" series for National Public Radio Thanksgiving day (AKA Native American Genocide memorial day). If you missed the story, you can find great pictures and text and also replay at http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=16506897

Demands of a thief By Gideon Levy writing in Ha'aretz
“like the whites in South Africa who whipped up a frenzy of fear about the "great slaughter" that would ensue if blacks were granted their rights. But these are not legitimate questions: The incarceration must be ended and the myriad of political prisoners should be released unconditionally. Just as a thief cannot present demands,…”

Zionism must be Dissolved for Peace
By Khalid Amayreh (Al-Khalil, occupied Palestine)

An Unlikely Visitor Gives Musharraf Support. The Zionist "Council of World Jewry" founder visits Pakistan.

New York City Activists escalate protests at Leviev Jewlery
For photos:
For Leviev's response see:

Rutgers University Divestment Program

Lajee Center takes photography exhibit of Palestinian refugee youth around the world

Pentagon Cover Up: 15,000 or more US casualties in Iraq War By Mike Whitney

Finally here is a forward from Anna Baltzer

Dear friends,
Two pieces of news:

I. The major shipment of the new revised edition of "Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories" (originally released by Paradigm Publishers in September) has finally arrived! I have someone helping to send them out (individually, or by the box) so please let me know if you'd like to place an order.

400+ pages full-color (including more than 500 original photos & maps!), "Witness in Palestine" costs $26.95 at Barnes & Noble or $20 on my website, www.AnnaInTheMiddleEast.com. They are even cheaper in person (see tour details below) or if you write me for a bulk discount.

Here are some notable reviews of the book:

"Even those who are familiar with the grim reality of the occupied territories will quickly be drawn into a world they had barely imagined by these vivid, searingly honest, intensely acute portrayals of unflagging courage, wanton cruelty, and enduring faith that through non-violent resistance fundamental decency will somehow prevail -- an outcome that lies very much in our hands. I cannot find words to express my admiration for the solidarity workers and peacemakers, international and Israeli, and the people of Palestine whom they are
supporting in their struggles to survive and to overcome." -NOAM CHOMSKY

"Baltzer's moving and vivid memoir tells the story of the daily struggle along the Wall in the West Bank, with stories and pictures that capture not just the hardships, but also the resilience of the Palestinian people. It also tells the story of courageous internationals like Baltzer, dedicating their time and energy to the
struggle of the suffering, who give many of us hope that, with the people of the world working together, justice and peaceful coexistence in Israel/Palestine are possible."
-TANYA REINHART, Israeli activist and author of "Israel/Palestine andb Roadmap to Nowhere"

"By combining a lucid and captivating text with artistic photography, this book draws you into the life of an average Palestinian living under exceptional circumstances of occupation, oppression, and colonization. This vivid account is also a deeply personal story that will inspire you not only to have hope but to actively seek and work for peace and justice."
-MAZIN QUMSIYEH, Palestinian-American author of "Sharing the Land of Canaan"


A. If your local bookstores don't carry "Witness in Palestine," ask
them to! You can fill out a request form and they'll likely order it.
Same with libraries...

B. Teachers & professors: "Witness in Palestine" is already being used in several classrooms. It's a cheap and comprehensive textbook on the conflict... Let me know if you'd like a sample copy.

C. Recommend that local media do a book review. I'm happy to send a copy for review.

II. This next month I'll be touring with Hannah Mermelstein, an amazing speaker and activist I worked with at the International Women's Peace Service. Hannah went on to co-found Birthright Unplugged (www.BirthrightUnplugged.org). Our itinerary is below. Please forward it on to anyone who you think might be interested...

Yours in peace,


Two Jewish American human rights volunteers with the International Women's Peace Service—Anna Baltzer, Columbia graduate, Fulbright scholar, the grand-daughter of Holocaust refugees, and Hannah Mermelstein, co-founder of Birthright Unplugged—will present photos, videos, and stories from their work with Palestinian refugees, Israeli activists, and others working nonviolently for peace and justice in Israel/Palestine. All events include both Baltzer & Mermelstein unless otherwise indicated.

Note: for times, addresses, and other details, visit www.AnnaInTheMiddleEast.com/presentations/schedule

Nov 27 Peoria, IL Bradley University (Baltzer solo)
Nov 28 Rockford, IL WNTA Talk Radio (Baltzer solo, remotely)
Nov 28 Peoria, IL Cable Access TV (Baltzer solo)
Nov 29 Bozeman, MT KMMS 1450 AM (Baltzer solo, remotely)
Nov 29 Chicago, IL Open University of the Left (Baltzer solo)
Dec 3 Rockford, IL Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockford
Dec 4 Janesville, WI Janesville Academy for International Studies
Dec 4 Janesville, WI Janesville Academy for International Studies
Dec 4 Rock County, WI University of Wisconsin
Dec 5 Platteville, WI University of Wisconsin
Dec 6 La Crosse, WI Viterbo University (solo)
Dec 8 Des Moines, IA TBA
Dec 9 Marshalltown, IA Hope United Methodist Church
Dec 9 Ames, IA Ames Public Library
Dec 10 Cedar Falls, IA Cedar Falls Mennonite Church
Dec 11 or 12 Wayland, IA WACO High School (pending confirmation)
Dec 11 Mt Pleasant, IA First United Methodist Church
Dec 12 Cedar Rapids, IA Peoples Church Unitarian Universalist
Dec 13 Grinnell, IA Grinnell College (pending confirmation)
Dec 14 Newton, IA Newton Correctional Facility
Dec 14 Lawrence, KS Lawrence High School
Dec 14 Lawrence, KS Ecumenical Christian Ministries building
Dec 15 Lee's Summit, KS Holy Spirit Catholic Church (Baltzer solo)
Dec 15 Lawrence, KS Solidarity Center (Mermelstein solo)
Dec 16 Olathe, KS Saint Andrew Christian Church (Baltzer solo)
Dec 16 Salina, KS Unitarian Universality Church (Mermelstein solo)
Dec 17 Denver, CO Community Access Television (also with Mark
Turner of Research Journalism Initiative)
Dec 19 Boulder, CO First Congregational Church (Baltzer solo)
More Colorado Talks TBA...

Mermelstein will be selling copies of the CD she produced, Needle in
the Groove, composed of women singing for social change to benefit
Flowers Against the Occupation, a Palestinian groups working to
support and empower young girls in the North West Bank

Baltzer will be signing copies of her new revised & updated book,
"Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied
Territories." For more information about Baltzer & Mermelstein's work and tour, visit www.AnnaInTheMiddleEast.com & www.BirthrightUnplugged.org

Mazin Qumsiyeh

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