Friday, October 15

The Top Ten American Groups That The ADL & Israel have their eye on!

They organize mass demonstrations exposing Israel's crimes and lies and what Government or Zionist Controlled media will not show us. They all keep us updated on the human rights abuses that the Zionist State of Israel breaks each and every day. They dare speak out when our  elected officials do not. They put in countless hours to  pursue boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns against Apartheid Israel something that is really needed in order to bring justice forth for Palestine and the rest of the world.
They are the 10 most influential and active anti- Zionist Israel groups in the United States, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

These are the groups that Israel fears will awaken the whole globe to truth and one day will finally see Israel's racist policies done away with and actual tax payers money  being spent on the well being of people in that country not the well being of Israel that uses their money to commit murder and genocide against a population that can't defend itself.

These are groups that seek real peace and justice for not only Palestinians but for real Jews as well. 
"While there are hundreds of groups that organize and participate in various anti- Zionist Israel activities, The ADL have identified the largest and most well-coordinated groups, that Israel fears" said Abraham Foxman, ADL National Director.  "These groups expose Israel and how Illegal Israel is. 
In a new report that we came across: it shows what the  ADL is looking at. This is the Top 10 groups that can create a real impact on Zionist Israel, these are groups operating in America that Israel & their American puppets hope that Americans don't pay much attention to. Israel and their ADL examines daily the dynamics of these movements and the ability of the most prominent groups to organize events, attract supporters and forge relationships with other like-minded organizations.
"These groups expose Israel for who they really are through various public campaigns. Their messages are the truth and they show how the media and government  are one-sided and they expose what Israel does not want the world to see. 
They fight to uphold international laws and justice. They show the double standards when it involves Palestine Israel. They Expose the Terrorism used by Israel that we can not see by the mainstream Zionist controlled media.
These are the groups that set some examples of what we should all follow. These are the groups that we need to be kept updated about.

  1. Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER): They are "anti-war" they attract people who clearly see that Israel's policies are "imperialist" or "colonialist," In many ways, Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), is a large anti-war group, It was Established in 2001 by the International Action Center, ANSWER and their supporters are against "Occupation that include Occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine" and expose the U.S. military and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of being the "real terrorists in the Middle East." Because of its organizing ability  and their ability to partner with a wide array of  groups, ANSWER has positioned itself as one of the leading coordinators of rallies against the actions and policies of Zionist Israel, many of which take place during periods of heightened tension, including the summer 2006 war against The people of Lebanon, The Gaza invasions in the winter of 2008-2009 the current Gaza Siege that has seen Gaza turned into an open air prison. Then there was the May 2010 Flotilla Massacre that seen the flotilla who was delivering humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza raided by the Israeli navy where numerous people where executed for the crimes of being human and their charity. In the days following the flotilla incident, ANSWER chapters around the country helped organize protests in San Diego, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington, D.C. At the rally in Chicago on June 1, 2010, that seen everyone calling on  "Stop Funding Israeli Apartheid," "Gaza Ghetto Genocide," "Starving Palestinians is Not a Jewish Value" and "Stop Israel's Slaughter in Gaza."
Palestinian Refugees
2. Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition,
Their aims and objectives are:
• To raise awareness in communities concerning the human and legal rights of Palestinian refugees.
• To foster relationships with the media to help with the effort of educating the community of the human and legal rights of Palestinian refugees.
• To educate elected representatives on the grave implications resulting from the continuing violations of numerous human and legal rights of Palestinians, and how we can effect change.
• To develop and coordinate grassroots and student initiatives for action related to Palestinian refugee rights.
• To develop and strengthen links and coordinate efforts with human and civil rights organizations in support of the Palestinian struggle for return, freedom and equality.
• To empower refugees with projects that nurture their autonomy and determination to exercise their legal rights, first and foremost their natural right to return to their towns and villages, as supported by international law and United Nations' resolutions.

  1. Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
CAIR's vision is to be a leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding.
CAIR's mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
  1. CAIR supports free enterprise, freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
  2. CAIR is committed to protecting the civil rights of all Americans, regardless of faith.
  3. CAIR supports domestic policies that promote civil rights, diversity and freedom of religion.
  4. CAIR opposes domestic policies that limit civil rights, permit racial, ethnic or religious profiling, infringe on due process, or that prevent Muslims and others from participating fully in American civic life.
  5. CAIR is a natural ally of groups, religious or secular, that advocate justice and human rights in America and around the world.
  6. CAIR supports foreign policies that help create free and equitable trade, encourage human rights and promote representative government based on socio-economic justice.
  7. CAIR believes the active practice of Islam strengthens the social and religious fabric of our nation.
  8. CAIR condemns all acts of violence against civilians by any individual, group or state.
  9. CAIR advocates dialogue between faith communities both in America and worldwide.
  10. CAIR supports equal and complementary rights and responsibilities for men and women.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), grassroots civil rights and advocacy group. CAIR is America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, with regional offices nationwide and in Canada. The national headquarters is located on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.
Since its establishment in 1994, CAIR has worked to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America. Through media relations, government relations, education and advocacy, CAIR puts forth an Islamic perspective to ensure the Muslim voice is represented. In offering this perspective, CAIR seeks to empower the American Muslim community and encourage their participation in political and social activism.
Civil Rights Work
CAIR's Civil Rights Department counsels, mediates and advocates on behalf of Muslims and others who have experienced religious discrimination, defamation or hate crimes. The department works to protect and defend the constitutional rights of American Muslims, thereby supporting the rights of all Americans.
Government Affairs
CAIR's Governmental Affairs Department conducts and organizes lobbying efforts on issues related to Islam and Muslims. The department is active in monitoring legislation and government activities and then, responding on behalf of the American Muslim community. CAIR representatives have testified before Congress and have sponsored a number of activities designed to bring Muslim concerns to Capitol Hill.
Media Relations
CAIR's Communications Department works in conjunction with local and national media to ensure an accurate portrayal of Islam and Muslims is presented to the American public. CAIR monitors local, national and international media in part, to challenge negative stereotypes, but also to applaud and encourage positive representations of Islam and Muslims. Over the years, CAIR has become a respected and credible source for journalists and other media professionals.
Action Alerts
In an effort to empower the American Muslim community, CAIR issues "Action Alerts" as a means of generating a grassroots response to critical political, social and media-related issues. These alerts have produced overwhelming results and have made a significant impact in bringing about change. CAIR also offers an email list designed to be a source of information and news for the American Muslim community. Subscribers to the CAIR e-mail lists receive news releases and other materials dealing with American Muslim positions on issues of importance.
CAIR's Research Department conducts empirical research studies on subjects relevant to the American Muslim community, including gathering and analyzing data for the annual civil rights report. The North American Muslim Resource Guide: Muslim Community Life in the United States and Canada (Routledge) is a product of the research department.
CAIR offers internships to students or other interested individuals who wish to gain experience in media relations, political activism or civil rights work.
CAIR Publications
CAIR offers a variety of publications that address the needs and rights of American Muslims. These publications include guides for employers, educators, healthcare providers, and law enforcement. CAIR also produces practical handbooks and resource materials for the Muslim community. CAIR's Research Department publishes an annual report on the status of American Muslim civil rights, which serves to document hate crimes and discrimination cases reported to CAIR’s Civil Rights Department.
Education: Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
CAIR organizes regular conferences and training seminars for government and law enforcement agencies, media professionals and the academic community. These events are designed to present easily accessible and accurate information about Islam and Muslims. CAIR’s TeamWorks sensitivity and diversity training workshop is offered to employers, educators and organizations as a proactive approach that highlights relevant Islamic practices and offers suggestions for religious accommodation. CAIR also provides training for the Muslim Community and activists in areas such as media relations, public speaking, lobbying, and civil rights.
Voter Registration
In order to increase Muslim participation in the political arena, CAIR and its chapters regularly sponsor voter registration drives across the country. To register to vote, visit our website.
Outreach and Interfaith Relations
Each year, groups representing people of all faiths visit CAIR offices to learn more about Islam and Muslims in America. Through these visits, as well as other interfaith initiatives, CAIR strives to educate others about Islam while building strong relationships with other faith communities.

  1. Friends of Sabeel-North America (FOSNA): 
    Friends of Sabeel—North America (FOSNA) is a non-profit, tax-exempt Christian ecumenical organization seeking justice and peace in the Holy Land through non-violence and education.
    FOSNA works in the U.S. and Canada to support the vision of Sabeel, cultivating the support of American churches through co-sponsored regional educational conference, alternative pilgrimage, witness trips, and international gatherings in the Holy Land.
    Sabeel is an international peace movement initiated by Palestinian Christians in the Holy Land, who seek a just peace based on two states—Palestine and Israel—as defined by international law and existing United Nations resolutions. Sabeel promotes theological, moral, and legal principles for peace as outlined in the Jerusalem Sabeel Document and the Kairos Palestine Ecumenical Declaration. Sabeel is a grassroots movement striving to develop a spirituality based on justice, peace, nonviolence, liberation and reconciliation. Sabeel also works to promote a more accurate awareness of the heritage and witness of Palestinian Christians. 
Friends of Sabeel
 Adobe Acrobat Download Sabeel Brochure

  1. If Americans Knew (IAK)If Americans Knew is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, independent research and information-dissemination institute, with particular focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, U.S. foreign policy regarding the Middle East, and media coverage of this issue. Specifically, the organization’s objective is to provide information that is to a large degree missing from American press coverage of this critical region.  If Americans Knew (IAK), founded in 2001 by Alison Weir,  calls on people to demand an end to U.S. support for Israel. (IAK's) materials, which are widely circulated at events and cited in many articles, exposes the special relationship between the U.S. and Israel and shows how this is detrimental to American interests and is driven by a pro-Israel lobby. Weir, who serves as IAK's executive director and has recently been named the next president of the Council for the National Interest, frequently speaks on college campuses and other venues around the United States. In her presentations and articles, Weir advances  truth about Israel, like the truth that has been hidden from Americans about the Attack on the USS Liberty by Israel. More recently,  assisted in exposing how Israel engages in the harvesting and trafficking of Palestinian organs. Weir wrote several articles that proved beyond a reasonable doubt  how Israeli organ traffickers "coerce people into giving up their organs," that the Israeli government has enabled a "transplant tourism" industry that exploits poor and needy individuals overseas, and that Israeli authorities have "targeted" Palestinians for autopsies and organ harvesting performed without permission.
  1. International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli apartheid in Palestine by using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded by a small group of primarily Palestinian and Israeli activists in August, 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popular resistance by providing the Palestinian people with two resources, international solidarity and an international voice with which to nonviolently resist an overwhelming military occupation force.                                          Following Israel's cause of an economic blockade on the Gaza Strip in 2007, calls for "solidarity with Gaza" and efforts to "break the siege" have been heard around the globe by this movement. The International Solidarity Movement (ISM), founded in 2001, has played a uniquely important role promoting Israel to stop the occupation of Palestine. Since its inception, ISM has brought volunteers to Israel to protest against the Israeli military's presence and crimes in the Palestinian territories, including weekly protests alongside Palestinians against Israel's construction of the Apartheid Wall which has been deemed illegal by the international world court.Despite it's "non-violent" tactics, protest actions organized by ISM sometimes see's harm to peaceful protesters which has had fatal consequences because of Israel's attempt to scare off legitimate protest, .
7.grassroots organizing, education, advocacy, and media, Jewish Voice for Peace works to achieve a lasting peace that recognizes the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination. Jewish Voice for Peace is the only national Jewish organization that provides a voice for Jews and allies who believe that peace in the Middle East will be achieved through justice and full equality for both Palestinians and Israelis. With offices in New York and California, 100,000 online activists, chapters across the country and an Advisory Board comprised of numerous prominent Jewish thinkers and artists, JVP supports nonviolent efforts here and in Israel-Palestine to end Israel’s Occupation, expand human and civil rights, and implement a US policy based on international law and democracy.

  • Conducts global campaigns to defend and free Israeli and Palestinian human rights activists

  • Fights McCarthyite censorship of debate and misuses of the charge of anti-Semitism, especially in the Jewish community

  • Supports the growth of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement through divestment from companies that profit from the occupation

  • Works in coalition with others including Arab, Muslim, Palestinian and Christian groups to fight bigotry and end the occupation

  • Facilitates Congressional outreach regarding policy in the region - founded in Berkeley, California, in 1996, JVP calls for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, it shows us all the Israel "apartheid" policies, and supports divestment campaigns against Israel.

  1. Muslim American Society (MAS): 
    Established in 1993 as a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization, the Muslim American Society (MAS) is a dynamic charitable, religious, social, cultural, and educational, organization. Over the past two decades, MAS has expanded to more than 50 chapters across the United States. MAS offers unique programs and services that seek to better the individual and in turn, the greater society by imparting Islamic knowledge, promoting community service, engaging in political activism, and much more. 
    Over the past two decades, MAS has evolved into a nationally recognized grassroots movement. The organization is empowered by a unique chapter structure that is linked through a common mission and vision. Focusing on personal development of individuals through a comprehensive Islamic educational curriculum, MAS promotes active involvement in communities across the U.S. by providing opportunities for community service, interfaith initiatives, youth programs, and civic engagement.  By cooperating and collaborating with other organizations, MAS has expanded its reach into thousands of communities across the United States.

  1. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP):
    College campuses in the United States are perhaps the most well-known venues and platforms for events and campaigns. Many universities have one or more groups that organize activities that speak out against the crimes of Israel, the one that stands out the most is Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), with chapters at close to 75 American universities. SJP chapters regularly organize activities presenting a even handed view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including mock "apartheid walls" and "checkpoint" displays, presentations by very well educated speakers and longer programs like Palestine Awareness and Israeli Apartheid Week. In the past year, several SJP chapters have initiated Israel divestment campaigns are petitioning their universities to do the right thing and cease their investments with companies that do business with Israel.SJP promotes its programs as a way for students to learn about the "other side" of the conflict, these events are very educational. In March 2010, for example, SJP chapters at several universities organized  events in conjunction with Israeli Apartheid Week that featured speakers who showed how Israel is an "ethnocentric racist society" and Zionism as "inherently undemocratic."

  1. US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (USCEIO): The primary organizer of efforts to persuade the U.S. government to cut off aid to Israel is the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (USCEIO), a Washington, D.C.-based coalition of more than 200 national and local groups. USCEIO organizes a variety of campaigns and petitions toward this end, They show us all how the U.S. is complicit in Israel's "crimes" because of its fiscal support for Israel. USCEIO's function as an umbrella organization boosts cooperation among various groups and its annual conferences serve as a forum for representatives of its member groups to discuss strategy, formulate policy and highlight recent successes. The group consistently focuses its efforts on lobbying Congress, often dedicating the last day of its Annual National Organizers' Conference as a lobbying day on Capitol Hill. USCEIO has had some success in attracting the support of politicians, including Representatives Dennis Kucinich (OH) and Brian Baird (WA), who have spoken out against Israel at various USCEIO events. At its most recent conference, which was held in July 2010 in Kansas City, Missouri, Congressman Baird received a "Courage in Congress" award for his opposing the blockade on the Gaza Strip and delivered the keynote address at the conference's dinner. Baird described the 2008-2009 Gaza war as a "horrible, catastrophic destruction of a civilian population" and condemned the situation in Gaza as "collective punishment." When asked about the political landscape regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Baird told the world what some already knew that some politicians side with Israel purely for political and financial gain: 
There are many groups that did not make the above list. Many of these groups satisfy some but not all of the criteria used by Israel and the ADL. For example, there are groups that sometimes worry the ADL but they do not have a national presence,  these groups include Adalah-NY, Neturei Karta and the Middle East Children's Alliance. There are other groups, like the council for the national interest, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and the US Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel. These groups have most recently been spotted on the radar of ADL & Israel because they have important roles in creating policy and setting agendas but do not organize a significant number of events. There are groups  such as the American Friends Service Committee, CODEPINK, and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee that do a variety of great work on many different fronts. 

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