Friday, October 13

Mishaal warns of coup against PA elected government

Damascus - Khaled Mishaal, the top political leader of the Hamas Movement, has warned of a �black� coup being planned and gradually implemented against the duly elected Hamas-led PA government.

Mishaal in a comprehensive speech at a Ramadan ceremony attended by diplomats, Arab and foreign ambassadors, leaders of Palestinian factions and Arab and non-Arab figures in Damascus last night affirmed that the coup is being hatched under the watching eyes of the world.

The Hamas leader, meanwhile, pointed out that the captured Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip would only be released in a prisoners� exchange operation.

He also championed restructuring the PLO with Palestinian Arab hands, adding, �We are ready to pressure ourselves for the sake of higher national interests�.

Mishaal reiterated that the internal Palestinian fighting was a taboo and that the only solution to the internal Palestinian political standoff was the formation of a national unity government based on the national harmony document.

In conclusion, the Hamas leader affirmed that his Movement would not recognize Israel, would not shun resistance and would not surrender to those planning the coup against the PA government.

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