Friday, October 13

AL-Haj to Fatah spokesmen: Be frank with Palestinian people and tell the truth

Jenin - Hamas' prominent political leader in the West Bank city of Jenin Khaled Al-Haj has dared Fatah spokesmen to be frank with the Palestinian people and to tell the truth instead of deceiving them with false and unfounded accusations against the PA elected government and Hamas Movement.

"It seems that Fatah spokesmen, especially Jamal Nazzal and Samir Naifa, became experts in smear campaigns and false accusations against Hamas leaders and the Palestinian people's current government as they accused Hamas of contesting the legislative elections purposely to finish off the PLO and the PA", charged Al-Haj.

He also indicated that those spokesmen were merely concerned with marring the atmosphere between Fatah and Hamas, daring them to tell the truth to the Palestinian people and to stop deceiving them. He described such untoward manners as "mean", and that such behavior posed as the main reason for Fatah's defeat in the legislative elections.

Instead, Al-Haj invited Fatah spokesmen to direct their compass of accusations to the Israeli occupation government, and to talk about decisive matters, including the apartheid wall, Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, and the Israeli demolition of tens of Hamas leaders' homes over the past two months among others.

Haj explained that Fatah spokesmen were deceiving the Palestinian people by alleging that Fatah hadn�t recognized the Hebrew state when in fact the Fatah-dominated PLO had above-board recognized it in 1988 and signed the infamous Oslo agreement in 1993, adding that those steps wouldn�t have passed without Fatah votes in the PLO.

Hence, Haj further explained, Fatah wants to drag Hamas to the same road it had willingly passed and proved to be adverse to the Palestinian people national constants and aspirations.

"This will not happen, Hamas was elected on a clear platform based on the resistance and adherence to the Palestinian people's constants and national interests, and therefore, Hamas will not betray the Palestinian people as what others did", Haj underscored.

PA unity government:
As far as talks on the PA unity government were concerned, Haj noted that Hamas was pioneer in calling for a unity government and spent a lot of time in convincing Palestinian factions represented in the PLC, especially Fatah, to join a coalition government; but, he added, "to our regret Fatah leaders declared that it is a shame on Fatah to participate in a national unity government led by Hamas".

He, meanwhile, urged Fatah leaders to carefully read articles of the national document that they have signed with the rest of the Palestinian factions, explaining that the document in the second line rejects recognition of the Hebrew state and sanctions the Palestinian resistance.

He furthermore, deprecated Fatah leaders and spokesmen for attempting to portray Hamas as a two-wing Movement, and that Hamas leaders abroad were the only decision-making persons, saying "Fatah tries to reflect its own problem on others as everyone knows that Fatah is no longer in control of its decision after surrendering it to international and regional forces".

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