Monday, October 2

Food poisoning in Al Naqab Prison

Political prisoners in Israeli Al Naqab (Negev) Prison are suffering deliberate medical negligence, as reported by those inside the prison.

Those imprisoned during the current month of Ramadan are suffering severe food poisoning since the Wednesday breaking-the-fast meal at sunset. Palestinian political prisoners were given chickpeas to eat.

One of the prisoners told PNN via mobile phone, “Not even a half hour had passed since we were fed before a number of prisoners experienced severe bouts of vomiting, diarrhea and high temperature associated with severe colic.” Despite reporting the need to treat prisoners, the Israeli administration ignored the request.

Seventeen of the cases have turned severe enough that the ill cannot participate in the daytime fasting ritual of Ramadan. The prison population is appealing to humanitarian and human rights organizations to intervene and pressure the prison administration to provide treatment for them

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