Ministry of Prisoners' Affairs (MPA) said that Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) arrested 700 thousands (25%) of the Palestinian citizens since 1976 until now.
In its monthly statistical report, the ministry asserted that nearly 50 thousands of the prisoners were arrested during al-Aqsa Intifada and the average of the prisoners inside the Israeli jails is 10300.
It pointed out that more than 5000 Palestinian children were arrested since the beginning of al-Aqsa Intifada, 391 of them, that equals (3.8%) of the Prisoners average, are still arrested. 26.8% of the children are in need to medical care.
MPA said that 500 female prisoners were arrested since the breakout of al-Aqsa Intifada, where 118 are still in jails, including 5 prisoners aged under 18 and 3 give their first birth inside the Israeli jails.
Regarding the killed prisoners, the report said that 183 of the prisoners died in the Israeli jails, where 42 died of torture, 69 died of medical negligence and 72 died as a result of deliberately killing after being arrested.
The report added that according to the years of detaining, 424 of the prisoners spent more than 10 years inside the Israeli jails, including 64 spent more than 20 years and 7 prisoners spent more than 25 years.
The ministry reported that the number of the ruled prisoners reached 4550, while the detained is 4830 and 920 are under administrative detention.
The report concluded that most of the prisoners suffered from different diseases due to the hard circumstances they live inside the jails, where 1000 of them are suffering from different diseases, including 200 are suffering from cardiac disease, stomach and mental diseases.
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