Just the past two weeks, we had the good fortune of receiving dozens of school students and dozens of international visitors, giving lectures to hundreds (both in formal and informal education), publishing two papers (the two that came out last two weeks are on reptiles of Palestine and on decline of biodiversity in Bethlehem as evident by eagle owl diet), receiving good news of grant and donor support for empowerment of youth and biodiversity research, planted more in our garden, started a big compost project with Bethlehem municipality, and much more (all in two weeks!). But we (mostly volunteers) can do much more with your support (again follow links at http://palestinenature.org).
It is with sadness that we have heard of the passing of supporter Beata Lipman. Beata Lipman drafted South Africa’s original Freedom Charter in her own handwriting. She also dedicated her life to a better world, protesting and fighting against apartheid in South Africa and human rights abuses across the world. As a white woman, Lipman opposed Apartheid in South Africa. As a Jewish woman, Lipman opposed Israeli Apartheid against Palestinians. She consistently spoke truth to power! We will miss her as a friend and supporter
200 European Legal Scholars uphold right to BDS
Millions support and act for human rights but the 1% rule and support violence and oppression unfortunately and we reserve some space for those.
It is with sadness that we have heard of the passing of supporter Beata Lipman. Beata Lipman drafted South Africa’s original Freedom Charter in her own handwriting. She also dedicated her life to a better world, protesting and fighting against apartheid in South Africa and human rights abuses across the world. As a white woman, Lipman opposed Apartheid in South Africa. As a Jewish woman, Lipman opposed Israeli Apartheid against Palestinians. She consistently spoke truth to power! We will miss her as a friend and supporter
200 European Legal Scholars uphold right to BDS
Millions support and act for human rights but the 1% rule and support violence and oppression unfortunately and we reserve some space for those.
One of the readers pointed out that the US misnamed "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act" (really support colonial Zionism act) mirrors the recommendations of the British Parliament's Home Affairs Committee's report: http://freespeechonisrael.org.uk/keith-vaz-the-home-affairs-select-committee-report-on-antisemitism-and-mccarthy/
For decades, traitors to the USA who are only loyal to Zionist racism are appointed at high level positions in the US administration (e.g. Dennis Ross, Martin Indyk, Henry Kissinger). But usually these are individuals who hide their Jewish Zionist racism and apartheid allegiance to a foreign state that bankrupted the US with veneers of diplomatic language. No more! Now openly racist colonial supporters are selected to represent the US. This maybe better as it can remove the fog and perhaps the last fig leaf covering the absurdity that is the endless “negotiations” for “two-state solution” (aka mirage to hide ongoing apartheid and colonialism). If only the Arab leadership would wake-up but they are shameless and without dignity.
“President-elect Donald J. Trump on Thursday named David M. Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer aligned with the Israeli far right, as his nominee for ambassador to Israel, elevating a campaign adviser who has questioned the need for a two-state solution and has likened left-leaning Jews in America to the Jews who aided the Nazis in the Holocaust.” http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/15/us/politics/donald-trump-david-friedman-israel-ambassador.html
“President-elect Donald J. Trump on Thursday named David M. Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer aligned with the Israeli far right, as his nominee for ambassador to Israel, elevating a campaign adviser who has questioned the need for a two-state solution and has likened left-leaning Jews in America to the Jews who aided the Nazis in the Holocaust.” http://www.nytimes.com/2016/
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Occupied Palestine
Please help us grow, any contribution big or small goes along way and is greatly appreciated!
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